Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Goal Setting New Years(2)

Goal Setting: Goal Setting at New Years

Leading up to New Years we tend to over indulge and justify it by saying we will set goals in the New Year.

To ensure you have the most success at your goal setting, you should really be starting now. Work out what your key goals for the year are. You should have about five or six key goals in key areas (eg wealth, health, relationships, spiritual and giving to the community).

Once you have defined your goals. Work out what it will take to achieve them. Have you set goals that are measurable, and that you can work out a path towards? Once you have down this, you now need to break down your goals into manageable chunks.

Work out what you will have to do each month to progress your goal. From here break it down even further into weeks and finally a daily to do list. The point of the task is to do the hard work early on, and then have simple lists for what you need to do each day, each week and each month,

Good luck with your goal setting.

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