Thursday, December 6, 2007

Holiday Time

Holiday time

Today, as we come into the official holiday season we would like to discuss holiday plans.

If you read our previous article on holiday’s you will know the numerous benefits of taking time out from work and taking a holiday (feeling refreshed, bonding with family and going back to work more productive just to name a few).

But where to go? There is a whole world to explore, and you want to make sure that you choose the right location. For us, we offer two unforgettable locations, that have something for everyone. France and Germany.

As destinations go, you can’t do much better than Europe – particularly France and Germany.

France is not only the worlds most romantic countary, it is also home to great food, great wine and great museums. Paris in particular is world famous for its stunning attractions (see below.

Germany, not only has beer (although that is a great benefit!!!) but is home to sensational castles and controversial history.

France attractions: Haute Couture, wineries, museums. For more info see
france hotels

Paris attractions: Louvre, Eiffel tower, Notre Dame. For more info go to
paris hotels

Berlin attractions: Pergamon Museum, Brandenburge Gates, Schloss Charlottenburg. For more info see

berlin hotels

Germany attractions: Beer Festivals,Neuschwanstein Castle, The Romantic Road. For more info see

germany hotels

So when planning your next holiday, be sure to check out the above sites – you will be glad you did.

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