Plastic Surgery is a hot topic these days. And why not. With procedures getting safer, and the practice becoming considerably cheaper, it is no wonder that more and more regular people are getting enhancements made.
It used to be that only the rich and famous would get plastic surgery. Well times, they are a changing.
If you think plastic surgery, is just for enhancements that you don't need...think again. There are many procedures that imporve quality of life both emotionally and physically.
Today, we would like you to check out our friends at Rodeo drive plastic surgery.
Whether you are just enquiring, want more information or are ready for a procedure they can help you.
At the end of the day, if you are thinking of getting work done, you definately want to go to someone that you can trust, someone with a good reputation, and someone that is well priced. Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery meet all of these requirements. Plus it's in the centre of the world capital for plastic surgery, meaning that they are in the best practice area.
Beverly Hills liposuction
plastic surgery
breast augmentation
Friday, December 28, 2007
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:37 PM
Parenting: Walk a mile in their shoes
One of the best parenting tips we can offer is: The walk a mile in their shoes game.
You have surely heard of walking a mile in someone elses shoes; yet have you put it into practice?
When dealing with your child - and they are of reasonable age eg a teenager - and you reach a stalemate on a topic. One of the best things you can do is to look at the situation from their point of view. Ask your child to do the same. Once you have ascertained each others view points, write them down on a piece of paper. After a quick review, the most practical way to solve the problem may/should be on the paper.
Remember though, as a parent, it is your responsibility to have final say. If you topic you can't agree upon could result in problems/accident etc for your child, it is still best to stick to your guns. At the very least, your child should have an understanding of where you are coming from.
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:30 PM
Romance: How to keep it in your relationship
If you are a long time suffer of our blog, or our daily ezine at, you will know that our beat is goal setting, health and parenting. One thing that is essential to at least two of these aspects (health and parenting) is a solid, genuine relationship, where you feel you have the support of your partner, can tell them anything, and are romantic with each other.
Today, we would like to explore romance, and how important it is for you and your relationship.
love notes
Romance is easy in the first stages of a relationship. You can buy your partner flowers, you can take them out to a romantic meal, you can write them a sweet letter. Albeit, as time goes on, couples tend to say that they feel the romance lessen; kids come in the picture; they suddenly feel that their romance is taking a second step.
This is quite sad. Romance is an integral part of any relationship, and with some simple steps, and a small amount of effort it is easy to rekindle. So lets explore romance and what you can do to get it back in your relationship.
Romantic gestures trigger the memories of falling in love (you remember those euphoria type feelings? These are the ones we are talking about!!!)
Romance is the show and tell of true love. While women generally need romance more than men (we still need it to!!!), your partner going to an effort to be romantic to you, lets you know that they love you and care for you.
Behaviour can affect feelings. The beauty of romance is that you can change negative feels to positive feels in you and your partner, just by been a little romantic.
At the end of the day romance is the expression of love through words, gestures, and actions. It is the thoughts behind these words, gestures and actions that make them romantic. The great thing is that they don't have to be big things. A simple picnic, a night out at the movies, a card etc is all you need to start those romantic feelings again.
So our advice for today: If you are lucky enough to have a partner be romantic with them. Think of all the romantic things you can do together. It will be a major boast for you and your relationship!!!
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:19 PM
Parenting: Holiday Fun
Whether you live in a warm or cold climate, Christmas and New Years, are a fantastic time of year. Most people have a few days of work, and are in a holiday mode. Today, we thought we would list some fantastic activities that you can do with the kids.
- Go to the snow
- Go to the beach
- Bake cookies
- Do puzzles
- Do drawings
- Watch classic movies
- Tobogganing
- Swimming
- Picnic
- Snow angles
- Sand angles
- Sand Castle
- Snow tower
- Winter/Summer clean of the house
- Museum
- Make "real" hot cocoa
This is just to get you started. Do you and your family a favour, grab a piece of paper and write down all the fun things you can do over the holidays. The great part is most of them don't cost much money to do!!!
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:15 PM
Vista Printing
One of the best presents that I have received is personal stationary that is designed by VistaPrint.
VistaPrint, as well as undertaking printing, develop and print stationary to suit anyones need. Business cards, letter heads, you name it, they do it.
VistaPrint makes a unique gift, and above all it is a useful gift that people can use. Far to often at Christmas time we see people give gifts that are useless and are just going to be thrown out. With VistaPrint, you can provide a gift that people will use, and will actually help them to make money in the future.
Don't want to give it as a gift!!! Why not make up some stationary for youself? Do yourself a favour and go and check out the website.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:04 PM
New Years with young kids
In today's article, we thought we would look a New Year's Eve celebrations and how you can still have fun with young kids.
If you think back to before you had kids, you probsbly remember wild parties, drinking and been up all night (well with young kids the up all night hasn't changed!!!).
However you can still have fun on New Years with the kids. Below are a list of activities that you can undertake
Fireworks in the city (many cities have fireworks displayed early for the kids
Catching up with friends who have kids (you are all in the same boat)
Going to a park with friends
Having a BBQ that is equivalent to a kids part.
And last but not least, my personal favourite, hiring out a play centre. One of my mates did this with 20 or so other families. The parents and the kids had a blast!!!
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:00 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Bed Bugs!!!
As regular travellers we have been exposed to bed bugs. Nothing is quite like it. You wake up in the middle of the night itching all over in pain from bites.
But the problem doesn't just stop when you leave the dodgy hotel. Bed bugs, can travel in your luggage and you can bring them back home with you...not a nice thought.
At the moment there is a world wide epademic of bed bugs, they are on the increase, and there don't seem to be any signs of them slowing down.
Please visit the attached link for details of what you can do.
bed bug signs
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:06 PM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We take time out from our regular goal setting, health and parenting information to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas, and a safe and prosperous new year.
We hope that the season brings you joy and happiness!!!
God bless
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:05 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Is it time for you to get away?
Is the winter cold starting to get you down? Are you feeling in need of a well deserve break? After your efforts throughout the year, lets face deserve one!!!
For a warm tropical holiday, you can't go any further than Hawaii. Great climate, great surf, great people and great food - what more could you need???
But where do you find good accommodation, and where do you stay on the Island. Very good questions, as you want to make sure your holiday is perfect and that you only have the best accomodation.
Luckily have done all the hard work for you, and have a great list of quality accomodation at beautiful locations for you to choose from.
Maybe Kauai is for you. Click on the link below for more details.
Kauai vacation rentals
Or maybe you just need more information; why not check out popular travel blog. It is full of useful information that will help make your holiday perfect.
Hawaii Travel Blog
Oahu Vacation Information
So stop thinking about the cold and start planning your Hawaii vacation today!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
10:54 PM
Healthy: Health Benefits of Lemons
Healthy: Health benefits of lemons
Because lemons are so common, there healing powers are often over looked. However, as you will see from today’s article. This yellow wonder packs an awesome healing punch.
Listed below are just some of the many benefits:
• Stop bleeding gums by rubbing lemon on them
• Lemon can break fevers
• Stop sun burn when rubbed on the skin
• Good for cold and flu’s
• Menstrual pain
• Dizziness
• Headaches
• High blood pressure
• Calms anxiety
• Helps with nausea
• Helps with heartburn
• Can hep relieve asthma
• Can help relieve tonsillitis
Posted by
Andrew Collings
10:54 PM
Make Hotel Reservations the easy way
Whether you are a constant business traveller, or just get away for a trip once a year, check out Not only will you have easy access to thousands of hotels, you will also be shown the cheapest prices around.
The site is easy to use. Simple type in your destination, the time you want to travel and the number of people travelling. And presto, will do the rest.
Don't want to use your credit card over the internet. Then relex, the site as a phone number for you to call as well.
Hotel Reservations
Posted by
Andrew Collings
10:48 PM
Goal Setting New Years(2)
Goal Setting: Goal Setting at New Years
Leading up to New Years we tend to over indulge and justify it by saying we will set goals in the New Year.
To ensure you have the most success at your goal setting, you should really be starting now. Work out what your key goals for the year are. You should have about five or six key goals in key areas (eg wealth, health, relationships, spiritual and giving to the community).
Once you have defined your goals. Work out what it will take to achieve them. Have you set goals that are measurable, and that you can work out a path towards? Once you have down this, you now need to break down your goals into manageable chunks.
Work out what you will have to do each month to progress your goal. From here break it down even further into weeks and finally a daily to do list. The point of the task is to do the hard work early on, and then have simple lists for what you need to do each day, each week and each month,
Good luck with your goal setting.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
10:47 PM
Amazing gifts
Coming into Christmas, you want to make sure you get a gift that really stands out. Not your run of the mill bottle of wine, or chocolates. If you want an unforgetable gift, check out our friends at
They have everything from V8 hot laps, rally driving and skydiving, to swimming with sharks, dinner cruises, and even jet fighter flights.
You can have a personlised gift pack sent to your address within three days so plenty of time before Christmas or they also offer instant email vouchers so come Christmas morning you can still deliver that amazing never to be forgotten gift.
Imagine giving a gift like the above!!! Your friends or family will love it.
Andrew Collings
img src="" />
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:13 PM
Goal Setting for New Years
Leading up to New Years we tend to over indulge and justify it by saying we will set goals in the New Year.
To ensure you have the most success at your goal setting, you should really be starting now. Work out what your key goals for the year are. You should have about five or six key goals in key areas (eg wealth, health, relationships, spiritual and giving to the community).
Once you have defined your goals. Work out what it will take to achieve them. Have you set goals that are measurable, and that you can work out a path towards? Once you have down this, you now need to break down your goals into manageable chunks.
Work out what you will have to do each month to progress your goal. From here break it down even further into weeks and finally a daily to do list. The point of the task is to do the hard work early on, and then have simple lists for what you need to do each day, each week and each month,
Good luck with your goal setting.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
3:53 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Editor's views 18-12-07
We had some excitement last night. Your editor was sitting down on the couch watching television with his wife at about 10:30pm last night when he heard one of his cats at the back door.
If you are a cat owner, you will know the meow that cats make when they have caught something…this was the meow that our cat was doing. Without thinking to much, we opened up the door.
To our amazement, our cat Keddi, had a snake in her mouth caring it by the centre. On closer inspection, it wasn’t just any snake it was a Tiger Snake.
For those dear readers who live outside Australia (which is the majority) we will explain a few things about Snakes in great land of Oz.
It is not a question of if a snake is poisonous, it is how poisonous is it. Our friend Tom Gleeson, in his TV documentary, A River Somewhere, summed it up perfectly:
• A Tiapan Snake is deadly it takes about 1 hour to kill you
• A Brown snake is deadly, it takes about 1 ½ hours to kill you
• A Tiger snake is not to bad, it takes about 3 hours to kill you
• A Copperhead snake is also not to bad, it takes about 4 hours to kill you
• A black snake takes about 6 hours to kill you (practically harmless)
So with a Tiger Snake, if you don’t get to a doctor in about 3 hours to get anti venom, your not going to be feeling to well. Out of all the snakes in Australia, the Tiger Snake is the most aggressive. While most other snakes will slide away if approached, the Tiger Snake will stay and fight, they are known to lunge at people, and chase people.
Our cat had managed to catch one. Our next job was to make sure that she hadn’t been bitten. We rang the 24 hour vet, who told us to look over her, and if she had been bitten to bring her in as well as the snake.
To us, the snake looked dead. As we soon found out this was not the case, as we tried to get the Snake into a container, we realised that she wasn’t as dead as we first thought!!! The Snake started moving. Luckily your editor had protective gear that included flip flops (we call them thongs here), a tee shirt and shorts!!! At last we managed to get the snake in the container.
We then had a delimma. Let the snake suffer (it has been hurt by the cat), or put it out of its misery. We thought about the microwave. We then thought about the freezer – neither option seemed humane.
We finally opted to call my father and one of his old friends, who came around and disposed of the snake with a few strikes of a shovel!!!
And the cat, we are glad to say that it somehow managed to not get bitten – it must have eight lives left!!!
In other views.
Tired of diets that don't work. Tired of gym memberships that you never use?
Then why not check out a diet that actually works. Find out why most diets fail. Find out how the food you eat really effects you and your wellbeing. And most importantly, find out what you can do to get your body weight under control.
weight loss programs
Andrew Collings
Please see our site wide disclosure statement below.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:35 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Editor's views 17-12-07
In other views…
Your editor had an early family Christmas function on Sunday evening. It involved family on his wife’s side. With a German atmosphere, there were plenty of meat and alcohol to go around as well as many rich deserts.
The Great Aunt who is over from German was there, and lost her dentures half way through the night, which resulted in 40 plus people looking for them, all trying not to laugh for fear of been hit by this lovely – yet fiery – old lady.
Other highlights included people comparing battle wounds from a Thailand Trip, and a Kris Kringle that went for about 1 ½ hours.
I will say one thing, my wife does have an interesting family.
As the Kris Kringle dragged on, and as everything stopped while the Great Aunt slowly opened up her present. One bold person said.
‘Come on, I haven’t got that long…’ he then looked at the Great Aunt and said ‘and you have even less time!!!’ We were just glad he didn’t say it in German!!!
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:48 PM
Goal Setting: Getting used to achieving goals
Goal Setting: Getting used to achieving goals
One of the biggest problems people have with achieving goals, is not believing in themselves. When we start out with this attitude of failure, is it any surprise that most people fail to achieve their goals.
Today, we just want to provide one simple technique to help overcome this very common problem.
Start setting daily goals that you know you can achieve. You can start with a list of activities (eg pick up dry cleaning) that you can easily do during the day. Once you complete each activity cross it of the list.
If you do this for one month you will have taught yourself that you can easily achieve your goals. A simple technique, but one which has been proven to be successful.
In other views. Please check out our friends out web hosting choice, for all your hosting needs.
Hosting websites can be a tricky business. You never know where you can get the best deals and where you can get the best information. Web hosting choice take the hard work out of hosting for you and offer a complete package.
so when you have a few moments, please check the link.
You will be glad you did.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas as always.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:48 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Take time out this Christmas
Is the winter cold starting to get you down? Are you feeling in need of a well deserve break? After your efforts throughout the year, lets face deserve one!!!
For a warm tropical holiday, you can't go any further than Hawaii. Great climate, great surf, great people and great food - what more could you need???
But where do you find good accommodation, and where do you stay on the Island. Very good questions, as you want to make sure your holiday is perfect and that you only have the best accomodation.
Luckily have done all the hard work for you, and have a great list of quality accomodation at beautiful locations for you to choose from.
Maybe Kauai is for you. Click on the link below for more details.
Kauai vacation rentals
Or maybe you just need more information; why not check out popular travel blog. It is full of useful information that will help make your holiday perfect.
Hawaii Travel Blog
Oahu Vacation Information
So stop thinking about the cold and start planning your Hawaii vacation today!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
3:48 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Unique Product - portable scanner
Are you a busy professional who deals with important and confidential documents. Do you spend time on site, or out on the road where you don't have access to a photocopier? Then do we have the product for you.
Portable scanners are becoming the buzz product for busy executives, and its easy to see why. Doing a big business deal and need a copy of an agreement you signed straight away? No problems, simply grab your ScanShell ss2000nr portable scanner and with a click of a button it is scanned.
portable scanner
Portable scanners are not just for busy execs. Mothers who want to copy bills can use them. Proud parents can take a permant copy of a childs artwork master piece. The artwork will last forever!!! If you are like us, you probably have your kids artwork hanging on the fridge and after a week or so it is taken down and forgotten about. Imagine been able to keep a permant record of your children's art. Now that is priceless.
Students as well can probably get the most benefit. They can copy important documents and store them for their easy retrival - now don't tell me that isn't going to help come exam time!!!
In addition, consider the business card scanner. Tired of losing bussiness cards? Tired of typing in business card details, now simply scan them and you will build up - and most importantly keep - your contact list.
Click the link below for full details.
Worried that the products won't be compatable with Microsoft Office? We put your fears to rest. With the software below all products are fully compatable. Click on the link below.
So consider the portable Scansheel 2000nr either as a product for yourself, or as a gift that will benefit those who are dear to you.
All the best for Christmas and the festive season.
Andrew Collings
Please visit the following link to see our site wide disclousre statement:
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:05 PM
Self Help: The most important thing you will ever need to do
Self Help: The single most important thing you will ever need to do.
Success and achieving what you want out of live, really only comes down to one thing: Taking action.
To achieve something all you need to do is to take action and start doing it. If you are persistent you will find a way. Most people experience small failures and give up.
Here at goals-4-life we don’t want you to be one of these people. Accept that on average seven out of every ten decisions we make will be wrong. Please don’t be discouraged, accept this and keep trying.
Use all the resources and mentors you have as well. This will give you the best chance of success.
Today our message is simple: Get of your hands and take action – it will be well worth your while in the end!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:02 PM
Its time for a holiday
Is the winter cold starting to get you down? Are you feeling in need of a well deserve break? After your efforts throughout the year, lets face deserve one!!!
For a warm tropical holiday, you can't go any further than Hawaii. Great climate, great surf, great people and great food - what more could you need???
But where do you find good accommodation, and where do you stay on the Island. Very good questions, as you want to make sure your holiday is perfect and that you only have the best accomodation.
Luckily have done all the hard work for you, and have a great list of quality accomodation at beautiful locations for you to choose from.
Maybe Oahu is for you. Click on the link below for more details.
Oahu vacation rentals
Or maybe you just need more information; why not check out popular travel blog. It is full of useful information that will help make your holiday perfect.
Hawaii Travel Blog
Oahu Vacation Information
So stop thinking about the cold and start planning your Hawaii vacation today!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:06 PM
In other views 12-12-07
In other views…
Your editor got into trouble from his wife’s old German relative earlier
this week. After coming home from work, we thought we would help out in
the kitchen by steaming some vegetables (we like to steam them then add
lemon juice, olive oil, sea salt and pepper). Apparently this was not to
She came into the kitchen saw me cooking. She must have decided it wasn’t
a man’s role to cook. She pointed outside out your editors wife who was
just about to get the lawn mower going. We took the hint that she wanted
us to mow the lawn, and that a man’s role is not in the kitchen – shame as
we love to cook!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:22 AM
House Plans
Dear readers,
Are you interest in having the home of your dreams? Are you interested in a log house, a luxury home, or maybe even a ranch? Then go and check out take the struggle out of building a new home. With contemporary designs, and only the best arechitectural features you know you are in good hands.
Whats more, they have done all the hard work for you. Simply detail your budget, the number of rooms and the style of house, and the website will match your details with a list of available plans - what could be simplier.
Want to get ideas on what to build? Then check out the photo gallery. You will see hundreds of designs that can work for you.
Looking at getting back to nature and building a log house...then check out the link below.
Log Home Plans
Perhaps it is luxury that you are after. See some of the most luxury house plans around by clicking the link below - you will be amazed at their affordability.
luxury home Plans
Or maybe it is the ranch or nothing else - then check out the link below.
Ranch House Plans
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:09 AM
Healthy: Benefits of Green Tea
Healthy: Benefits of Green Tea
As we have written in previous articles, there are many benefits to
drinking Green Tea. Listed below are the main ones.
fights against cancer
• helps stabilize diabetes
• prevents cardiovascular disease
• it keeps your skin acne-free, making it healthier and prettier
• assists in weight loss regimen
• slows the aging process
• aids your digestion
• encourages bowel regularity
• provides you with a mild stimulating effect without causing
sleepless nights or nervousness especially during pregnancy
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:08 AM
Self Help: Are you a weather proofer?
Self-Help: Are you a weather-proofer?
But what is a weather-proofer you may ask? A weather-proofer can serve a
good purpose. It is someone who can see detail, and look for what faults
there are in a house, so you know how to fix your house and make it
weather-proof. However, this is where the benefits stop.
Do you know some one who finds faults in everything and everyone. They
look and only see the negative and what needs to be fixed. These people
can be down right destructive to success and the success of those around
To overcome weather-proofing, or to ensure that its effects are only
positive, first realise that it does have a role. A role that is very
specific in nature (eg testing medical equipment).
Secondly, recognise that most of the time, the smallest details really
don’t matter. If you know the objectives that you want to achieve, and
have a rough idea of how to proceed, then keep going. The worst thing you
can do is stop because of some small problems you or someone else has
Take weather-proofing comments for what they are worth. Accept them, then
make your own opinion if it is important enough to address or not.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:07 AM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Parenting: When should you tell your kids Santa isn't real?
Parenting – When should you tell your kids santa isn’t real?
There come a time in a parents life when they have to tell their kids that Santa isn’t real (for those who never told their kids about Santa my apologies). But what is the perfect age.
After much research we have learnt that it is a sliding scale. Somewhere between 6 and 9 years seems to be the average. For us, I am sure it will be when the kids start asking for ridicules presents!!!
In other views...
If you are looking for a fantastic present or a gift for yourself, then check out
Quality and stylish furniture are the only items that
Whether it is a couch, dinning table or something for the bedroom, you will find something that will suit.
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Posted by
Andrew Collings
9:26 PM
Editor's views 10-12-07
In other views…
We have an old relative staying with us at the moment. She is in her 80s and is taking control over the house, the cleaning and the cooking. As she only speaks German, it does make for some communication problems.
On the weekend she was showing your editor pictures of her children and grand children. Your editor didn’t understand the word for great grand children which caused her to become angry!!! A part from that she is a great old lady and is not afraid to discipline our children (even the one year old).
For being in her 80s she is in pretty good shape. Your editor thinks it has something to do with drinking over a litre of wine a day and eating goulash that is full of olive oil – she must be well preserved.
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
9:25 PM
Healthy: Decaf and Cholesterol
Healthy: Decaf and Cholesterol
Before you reach for that cup of decaf thinking you are benefiting your body by not having full caffeine, ponder this.
A recent study showed that regular drinkers of decaf had higher levels of bad cholesterol, and were at more risk of heart disease than their counterparts who drank regular coffee.
Our recommendation: Minimise your consumption of normal coffee and decaf and replace them with green tea and other herbal teas that are high in antioxidants.
In other views...
Leading up to Christmas, we can all use some extra cash. However, it is difficult to know where to go, and who has the best rates. If it is short term cash you are after, or a personal loan, click on the link below.
No matter what your current financial position is, our friends at should be able to help you.
Personal Loans
Pay Day Loan
We wish you a good festive season.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
9:25 PM
Goal Setting: 3 Goal Setting Necessities
Goal Setting: 3 Goal Setting Necessities
As we enter the festive season, we also enter the goal setting season. New years, rather than any other time, people set goals, most of which never get achieved!!! Today we wanted to share with you three goal setting necessities that will help you achieve your goals. The necessities focus on developing the goal itself.
1) Make your goal valuable: The goal has to be a goal that you deem to be valuable. Think about how the goal will benefit you and the wider society of friends and family around you. This is a crucial step as it will save you from following frivolous goals that won’t be of any benefit to you or those around you.
2) Is your goal a absolute necessity: This is a critical point. If your goal is essential you have a higher chance of achieving it. For example, lets say you have a large amount of debt that is severely impacting on your lifestyle. If this is the case then getting out of debt is an absolute necessity. Likewise if you have a health problem, then overcoming it becomes an absolute necessity.
3) A goal is a process not just a result: As long time goals-4-life suffers you will know that a goal does not sit by itself, there is a process behind it that helps you to achieve your goal. When considering your goals, write down the proposed process, and evaluate what steps are involved.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
9:24 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Healthy: Health benefits of Mangoes
Healthy: Health benefits of Mangoes
Mango’s don’t just taste great, they have many benefits to your health. Now that we are officially in summer (in the southern hemisphere at least – sorry to all the northern hemisphere people – which is probably the majority!!!)
For one, mangoes contain phenols which is a very powerful antioxidant and can reduce the risk of many types of cancer. Mangoes and also high in iron, and are a tasty way to get it!!
Some other benefits include, unclogging of skin, aiding in poor digestion and rich in vitamin A, E and Selenium which helps to protect against heart disease.
With all these benefits, try and eat a few each week.
In other views
If you have a spare minute it would be well worth your while to check out
With exams you can use all the help you can get. has a fantastic range of quality materials on a variety of topics. From computers to real estate you know you will be in good hands, and have that edge on the exam!!!
Mortgage Test
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:56 PM
Goal Setting: 9 goal setting tips
Goal Setting: 9 goal Setting tips
Today we want to share you with 9 very simple goal setting tips. We will then tell you what the most important one is.
Write out the goal (if you have been reading this ezine for any time you will not that is a standard)
Make it a specific and measurable.
Make sure you know why you want to achieve your goal and what the outcomes will be.
Make sure the goal is written in the positive and not the negative.
Break the goal down into smaller tasks, At goals-4-life we like to break our yearly goals down into monthly, weekly and daily goals and taks.
Make the goal realistic and somewhat achievable (make sure it isn’t to easy, but make sure you do at least have a chance at it)
Make sure that the goals is your’s not someone elses.
It the goal consistent with your moral and ethical values.
Make sure there are elements of the goal that you can control (eg don’t write, to win the lottery)
And what is the most important tip? Number 7. Many people set goals without asking themselves if it is what they really want – and doing the research to find out what it is they really want.
If you set a goal that is someone else’s and not personal to you, there is a fair chance that you will fail. So make your goals relevant to you!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:49 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Holiday Time
Holiday time
Today, as we come into the official holiday season we would like to discuss holiday plans.
If you read our previous article on holiday’s you will know the numerous benefits of taking time out from work and taking a holiday (feeling refreshed, bonding with family and going back to work more productive just to name a few).
But where to go? There is a whole world to explore, and you want to make sure that you choose the right location. For us, we offer two unforgettable locations, that have something for everyone. France and Germany.
As destinations go, you can’t do much better than Europe – particularly France and Germany.
France is not only the worlds most romantic countary, it is also home to great food, great wine and great museums. Paris in particular is world famous for its stunning attractions (see below.
Germany, not only has beer (although that is a great benefit!!!) but is home to sensational castles and controversial history.
France attractions: Haute Couture, wineries, museums. For more info see
france hotels
Paris attractions: Louvre, Eiffel tower, Notre Dame. For more info go to
paris hotels
Berlin attractions: Pergamon Museum, Brandenburge Gates, Schloss Charlottenburg. For more info see
berlin hotels
Germany attractions: Beer Festivals,Neuschwanstein Castle, The Romantic Road. For more info see
germany hotels
So when planning your next holiday, be sure to check out the above sites – you will be glad you did.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:56 PM
Goal Setting: 9 goal setting tips
Goal Setting: 9 goal Setting tips
Today we want to share you with 9 very simple goal setting tips. We will then tell you what the most important one is.
1. Write out the goal (if you have been reading this ezine for any time you will not that is a standard)
2. Make it a specific and measurable.
3. Make sure you know why you want to achieve your goal and what the outcomes will be.
4. Make sure the goal is written in the positive and not the negative.
5. Break the goal down into smaller tasks, At goals-4-life we like to break our yearly goals down into monthly, weekly and daily goals and taks.
6. Make the goal realistic and somewhat achievable (make sure it isn’t to easy, but make sure you do at least have a chance at it)
7. Make sure that the goals is your’s not someone elses.
8. It the goal consistent with your moral and ethical values.
9. Make sure there are elements of the goal that you can control (eg don’t write, to win the lottery)
And what is the most important tip? Number 7. Many people set goals without asking themselves if it is what they really want – and doing the research to find out what it is they really want.
If you set a goal that is someone else’s and not personal to you, there is a fair chance that you will fail. So make your goals relevant to you!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:55 PM
Insurance - Do you have enough
Insurance is something that we don't seem to think about to much, yet it is essential in our modern lives.
In a nutshell, the more insurance we have the more piece of mind we have. Insurance comes in many forms, car insurance, home insurance, life insurance and income protection insurance.
The first two are no brainers, if you have assets such as a car or a home you need to protect them - simple!!!. Life insurance and income insurance are a bit difference.
Have you ever sat down and wondered what would happen to your family if you weren't there? How much money would they need to survive - this is where life insurance and income insurance come into play.
Today, we just want you to think about insurance and to think about how it can provide piece of mind in your life.
Home insurance -
Car insurance -
life insurance
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:46 PM
In other views
In other views
Tomorrow is the day we pick up my wife’s long lost relative from the airport. If you recall in previous emails, we received a letter from a relative overseas who said she would be staying with us for six weeks.
We are looking forward to it, although your editor wishes that he knew a bit more German as she doesn’t speak English. Anyway it will be good to have an extra pair of hands around the house coming into Christmas.
She will be in for a shock with the weather though: She will become from zero degrees to 32 degrees.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:46 PM
Healthy: four pieces of fruit a day
Healthy: Have four pieces of fruit a day
One of the best things that you can do for yourself is to eat fruit everyday. Sadly, many of us seem to avoid it like the plague. While fruit does contain sugar, four pieces a day mixed in with a relatively healthy diet will have huge benefits on cleaning your system out.
The best fruit for you is offcourse organic. When fruit is grown in soil that is rich in nutrients, then there are no need for chemicals, as the plants are strong enough to ward off disease. In addition, there is also more nutrients in the fruit as well.
Fruit is full of vitamins and minerals as well as enzymes so is a fantastic option over other snack food.
Keep fruit in a basket at home, in the fridge, on your table, in your fridge at work – wherever you can keep it. Whenever you feel hungry try a piece of fruit first, if you are still hungry eat something after it.
After a few weeks, you will notice a difference in your energy levels and in your mood as well (for the better ofcourse!!!)
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One of the benefits with the internet today is the ability to find information quickly. Particularly health information. One website that has a large amount of health information and offers a fantastic service is puts your mind at rest. If you or a love one is sick and they are away from home, air ambulance will take care of everything for you (from bed to bed). Their planes have the latest technology and life support equpment, and the staff are the most well trained and specialised experts in their field.
No matter what condition you or your love one has, are there for you: Whether it is stroke, cancer, heart transplant or any other problem.
The planes are top quality Lear Aircrafts, fully equiped to make the journey as pleasent as possible.
For piece of mind, check out
air ambulance emergency
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:36 PM
Goal Setting: Do first things first
Goal Setting: Do first things first
If you want to get the most out of your time, then you have to work on the tasks that will make the most difference to your goals and your life first. Simple…don’t put the important tasks off, do them first.
The following tips should help you to get the important things done first:
• Take care of first things first
• Follow the 80/20 rule (spend 80 percent of your time on the most important 20 percent of tasks)
• Begin now – don’t put it off
• Say “no” to the unimportant
• Use WIN (Whats Important Now) Work out what’s important and do it!!!
• Always have documents with you to make the most of transition time
• Handle only one document at a time, and handle it once.
• Listen carefully
• Delegate
• Work out what is your most productive time and do hard and important work then
• Take time out
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:36 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
A unique Christmas Gift
Today we thought we would take some time to enjoy the festive season, and look at what is on offer as gifts.
As you know it is the Christmas card season, no doubt you will soon be running to the store to purchase cards to start your Christmas writing. Before you do, take some time to visit and see what they have on offer.
If you want to create memorable christmas cards that are both personal and mean something to your family and friends then look no further. Whould you like photos of your kids on the card? Maybe a memorably holiday shot from sometime throughout the year? Then no problems!!!
Imagine the face of a proud grandparent as they open up a Christmas Card to find pictures of their grandchildren on the cover!!!
Vista Printing also offers stamps and other stationary products so be sure to check their website out.
And last but not least: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
custom Christmas cards "Christmas cards"
Posted by
Andrew Collings
12:25 PM
In other views
In other views
Your editor had his daughter’s kinder concert last night. The night became somewhat of a family affair with his wife bringing her brother and partner, and your editor bringing his mother and father (his mother had surgery earlier in the day so it was a fair effort that she came).
The concert was enjoyable, and the kids seem to have heaps of fun. There were snacks afterwards and the kids got to play on the play equipment. Ironically, we went to the same kinder and remembered doing the same play some 26 years ago. The irony was that the same kindergarten teacher who I had was there last night, and is my daughters teacher!!! We weren’t game to ask her age.
Your editor is also glad is dental appointment is over. He had what he thought was just going to be a filling, turn out to be root canal work – after spending almost two hours in the chair, he was definitely ready to go home. At least he got to watch the TV Show Scrubs and Daddy Day Care on the TV Screen in the roof above the dentist chair!!!
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
12:21 PM
Parenting: Tips for new borns
Parenting – Tips for sleeping and feeding your newborn (
bedroom sets
Bed -
sofa -
Furniture -
In today’s article we are providing tips for parents with new born’s – yes that fun, exciting and tiring time of your life!!!
New babies don't have regular sleep patterns. Some sleep nearly all day, others for only short periods.
Try and grab some rest when baby is sleeping.
All babies are born with different sleep needs. A few babies will sleep through the night but many will wake regularly.
Babies have different feeding patterns. They can want a feed from three to 10 times a day. Don't worry, just think about the total eaten over the day. A baby who is gaining weight is getting enough food.
Babies get the nutrition they need from milk until about six months old. If you are having difficulties breast feeding ask your child health centre nurse for assistance. If you are weaning your child, the child health centre nurse can help you find the right milk formula for your baby.
The Nursing Mother's Association will give advice on all feeding and weaning issues, whether the baby is breast or bottle fed. The Breast Feeding Helpline is (08) 9309 5393.
Solids can be given when baby appears interested, usually around six months. Start with one food only, such as rice cereal, mashed banana or pureed apple mixed with a little breast or bottle milk.
Don't have lumps in the food. Baby's gums don't grind food as well as teeth.
The Health Department has lots of great information about food.
Sometimes babies have allergies to foods. Watch out for reactions to different types of foods. If your baby has an allergic reaction, get expert advice from your doctor or local child health nurse.
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We have recently looked at the website and have decided one should check it out!!!
The site is easy to use, and you can see fantastic furniture that is stylish yet pratical for your whole house.
The site is broken down into easy categories so you never get lost. My favourite sections are:
Bed -
Quality-Bedroom-furniture-set-sets-beds-queen-king-full-twin sofa -
Quality-living-room-sofas-couch-leather-upholstery-sectional- Furniture -
Do yourself a favour and check it out!!!
Andrew Collings
bedroom sets
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:41 AM
Parenting: 10 reasons to be a parent
Parenting – Some positive reasons to be a parent
While we may often feel that we are banging our head against a brick wall as a parent, coming into the festive season we thought it would be good to look at the good aspects of being a parent.
You are the boss!!! Don’t you love saying those words
You get to be a kid again (I don’t know about you but I do enjoy seeing kids movies, chasing them around the playground and playing with toy cars!!!)
You get to make cakes with them (while we try and have a healthy diet I do have a soft spot for cakes)
You get to watch cartoons (particularly Simpsons) – do we have to say anymore!!!
You get to experience your child’s pride
Your children are a great excuse to leave functions that you don’t want to be at.
You get to learn how children see the world and experience some of this joy yourself.
You get to see your children sleeping (always a great moment)
You get to play with blocks
You get to read books you wouldn’t normally be able to read
Enjoy all the fun stuff that comes with being a parent!!!.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:41 AM
Self Help: Seeing Beauty in the Ordinary
Self Help: Seeing beauty in the ordinary
Our view of the world is determined by our thoughts. Two people can look at something in completely different ways. Take two government employees for instance who works in a employment centre. The first employee only sees the bad things in his job, the customer complaints, the excessive filing, the time spent on the telephone.
The second employee takes a different view. He sees the benefit that his job is serving for society. He is helping people out, and helping people get back on track.
Both of the employees are correct in their thinking, yet the second manages to see the beauty and changes he is making through his ordinary job, the first employee doesn’t.
We can choose how we see our work and our lives. We can see them as ordinary, mundane, and repetitive, or we can see the beauty in the ordinary, and what differences you are making.
Today we want you to write a list of all the benefits that you are making in your life and in your work. Once you have done this think of all the activities that you have done, and write what enjoyment or benefit is derived from them. Once you know the benefit that your actions are causing, you then have the ability to think of the activity in the positive. You may not fully enjoy the activity, but you will accept that you have to do it because of the positive outcomes.
If the activity doesn’t have any positive outcomes that you can think of, chances are there are no reasons for you to do it!!!
In other views... has the biggest bag of goodies for all your holiday gift needs! We’re the Internet retail leader in optics & much more! Just take a look at our huge selection of the finest quality brand name binoculars, telescopes, sunglasses, goggles, prescription goggles, rifle scopes, range finders, spotting scopes, flashlights, microscopes, and more! Is someone on your gift list wishing for a pair of Ray-Ban or D&G designer sunglasses? Giving her what she wants has never been easier than visiting
Looking for a Bushnell scope or golf range finder at the right price to put a smile on someone’s face? OpticsPlanet has the best one to improve his game! No matter who it is you’re looking for a gift for, we’re sure to have just the thing! We have an extensive selection of riflescopes by Leupold, Trijicon, Bushnell, and many others brands to satisfy the avid hunter/outdoorsman on your list. For the astronomy fan, take a look at our huge selection of telescopes for everyone from beginners to experts by brands like Meade, Celestron.
Looking for a great deal on binoculars for a birdwatcher? We’ve got you covered with the finest binoculars by Bushnell, Nikon, Canon, Swarovski! No where else will you find such great deals on ATN night vision, Bushnell digital binoculars, radar guns, Streamlight, Surefire, or Pelican flashlights, or indestructible Pelican waterproof cases! We proudly back all of our products with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, and we offer FREE ground shipping on all orders of $29.95 or more! Tens of thousands of items, 200 quality brand names to choose from. Gifts ranging from telescopes to microscopes, flashlights, you’re guaranteed to find something for everyone on your gift list at! Gift Guide Best sellers Why buy form OpticsPlanet Blog
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:23 AM
Healthy: Limiting Caffeine
Healthy: Limit that caffeine
Today, we would like to explore caffeine, and some of the effects by having to much of the brown stuff.
Caffeine can have many impacts on your body: trouble sleeping, nervousness, irritability, agitation, moody, depression and an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. If you have any of these systems you might be a caffeine addict.
Drinking coffee starts innocently enough. You have it with friends, you then start having it during the day, and before you know it you have built up to eight cups of coffee a day.
Caffeine is one of the most addictive drugs out there, the reason been is that we easily build up a tolerance to it. You may only need one cup of coffee in the morning for the first month, after that you will need two to get the same hit. If you don’t get it you will be lacking in concentration, and feel both mentally and physically tired.
Another problem with caffeine is that its in a highly adulterated state. These day’s caffeine contains additional chemicals that are residues from the production process.
To benefit your health you will need to do two things. First cut back on coffee (start by reducing a cup a day for a week, and then reduce another cup a day the next week (note: you will feel withdrawal systems such as moodiness, sore muscles and flu like symptoms). Secondly, only have organic and pure coffee (in moderate doses this does have some benefits for you. In addition, you can try and transfer to herbal teas and the like.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:21 AM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
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This policy is valid from 04 December 2007
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Mr Andrew Collings at
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
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To get your own policy, go to
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:43 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Healthy: Benefits of Eggs
Healthy: Benefits of Eggs
Eggs have received a lot of bad press lately. You may have heard in the media that they are high in cholesterol, which can cause diseases like heart attacks and strokes. We only have one word to say to that: Rubbish!!!
Firstly cholesterol is some forms isn’t that bad, in fact every cell in our body needs cholesterol. Cholesterol helps maintain vital hormones including oestrogen, cortisone and testosterone. It is our poor diet in other areas, and a stressful lifestyle that has caused cholesterol problems.
In Changing Habits, Changing Lives, Cyndi O’Meara provides us with the following quote:
“Eggs are like nuts – they’re nature’s vitamin pills. The protein eggs contain is 90 percent available to the body, compared to 65 percent for the protein of meats. And importantly, eggs contain essential nutrients, which actually help your liver to regulate blood cholesterol levels. They also contain a unique natural substance called lecithin, which acts as a powerful fat dissolving agent to protect the body against fat building up in the arteries”.
As you can see eggs have many benefits. But not all eggs are the same (and don’t worry we are not going to recommend eating duck eggs or turtle eggs!!!). There is a huge difference between organic free range eggs and cage eggs. The first are good for you; the second contain antibiotics and very little nutritional value.
Where possible buy organic eggs – even better, if you have a big garden get a few chooks. If your budget does not permit to buying organic eggs all the time, swap between organic and non organic.
In other views...
If you are thinking of a fantastic Christmas gift with loads of health benefits, then are you in for a treat!!!
Human Touch announces the addition of the HT 7450 Zero Gravity Massage Chair to their extensive line of massage chairs and massage products. This incredible chair virtually reverses the adverse effects of gravity on the body! The HT 7450 incorporates Human Touch’s unique massage technology, called the Quad Roller System, which includes four precise techniques that imitate those used by massage professionals: Percussion, Rolling, Compression, and Kneading. The experience combines the sensations of hands rapidly tapping on the back, gentle rolling, alternating strokes and relieving spinal pressure, and kneading to work out knots and ease soreness.
The HT 7450 Zero Gravity Massage Chair calibrates the body frame of the individual sitting in it and adjusts according to that individual’s unique physique, so each massage in the HT 7450 is perfectly focused on the right areas of the body. The speed, intensity, location, and technique can then be adjusted according to an individual’s preferences, or specialized Accupoint programs can be used for particular types of relief or relaxation. Additional options include a soothing heat feature or a luxurious foot massage, all customized to the individual’s preference!
Human Touch is the creator of the best products for foot massage and foot pain, and chairs for body massage for relaxation or sensual massage. Human Touch massagers are ideal for those who suffer from back pain, neck pain, spinal pain, poor circulation, arthritis, and diabetes-related foot problems such as neuropathy, skin problems, and foot ulcers. Human Touch chairs, calf massagers, massage ottomans, and accessories are ideal gifts for the stressed-out, over-worked, achy, and tired! After a long day at the office or at home, a Human Touch massage is relaxing and invigorating! Human Touch products also make great romantic gifts for the loved one you want to pamper. A full line of amazing Massage Chairs and products is available now at!
Human Touch HT 7450 Zero Gravity Massage Chair
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Posted by
Andrew Collings
3:27 PM
Goal Setting: Be comfortable not knowing everything
Goal Setting: Be comfortable not knowing everything
When people goal set, they often feel it is necessary to break things down to the minutest detail. There seems to be a common misunderstanding that you have to know everything in full detail before you can start undertaking your goal.
While there is merit in analysing your goals and working out what you need to do; if you take this to far you will never get your goal off the ground. The most important step that you can take is to take action!!!
The fact is, we don’t know everything, and we never will know everything. Rather than fight this, we need to accept it and get on with our lives. Things do happen, they can appear bad at first but may end up been good; or they can appear good and easy and may end up been bad. We never know. But we can take action to find out.
For the majority of our lives we have been designed to learn through failure. We didn’t learn to walk through knowing everything about walking; we learnt through trail and error, and getting out there and having a go.
Trial and error is the easiest way to achieve out goals. So get out there and take action. If you don’t take action you could potentially think yourself out of your goal, or worse still, never get started.
In other Views...
Your editor and his wife went up to the top of Mount Dandenong, a Mountain on the outskirts of Melbourne, on the weekend. There is an observation deck, and a restaurant on the top called sky high.
Being a warm and clear day the place was bustling with people like us, hoping to enjoy the sunlight and the view.
The kids had a great time. There is a hedge maze and also other entertainment and gardens to run around.
As we were walking up the stairs we noticed a bus load of tourists. After watching them for a minute or two, we noted something funny. Not only were they video taping the view, they actually had people video taping the people who were video taping the view. It was like a second degree of separation from nature!!!
Your editor pictured them going back home and showing the video tape of the view and saying, see I was really there, this is me video taping the view!!!
We have made a vow never to travel with a video camera.
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
3:26 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Parenting - Beyond saying no
Parenting – Beyond saying no
If you have read any parenting literature lately, you will no doubt be aware that using the word “no” to your children is essential in your arsenal of skills to dealing with behavioural problems.
The first thing we have to accept that saying “no” is not going to instantly resolve the problem. There are likely to be tantrums and outbursts and your child tries to accept – or not accept your answer. How we deal with this, is just as important as using the world no.
Imagine how a child would be in adult life if they had always somehow managed to get around a “no” with bad behaviour. In the words of Richard Branson… “they will either be in jail or a millionaire!!!” You can take your pick as to which is the most likely!!!
When your child reacts to you saying no, deal with them in a calm and consistent manner. You should not feel the need to have to justify your decision further. As a parent you have spoken and your child needs to accept the decision. You should offcourse give reasons why you made the decision early on. The last thing you want your child to be is a “yes” person. What you are trying to teach your child is to follow rules when there are sound reasons.
If they keep acting up, say that a form of punishment will apply (eg they will have to go to their room). Enforce this punishment if they keep acting up.
Overtime, your child will learn to accept your decision and the process should become easier.
In other views
Your editor recently looked at a website called Your editor is a huge beliver in the power the brain has over the body, and hynosis (in particular) self hynosis is a way to key your brain into achieving extraordinary results.
The results can be in any area, health, wealth even happiness. One of the clearest things that you can see through hynosis and the power of the mind, is monks who go out into the snow and melt the snow around their body without getting cold!!! Absolutely amazing.
if you have a chance, have a quick look at
hypnosis downloads
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Posted by
Andrew Collings
3:57 PM