We have recently launched our new website www.defeatthegrind.com which provides a free weekly self help and health ezine. Please visit our website to check it out.
Take 10 minutes of your time every week to read Defeat the Grind, and achieve a more successful, healthier and happier you! We guarantee it!
Defeat the Grind provides success orientated people with free weekly self help information on topics which include: goal setting, time management, improving your physical health, nutrition and parenting.
The ezine is written and contributed by experts in their field, many of whom have had their work extensively published. Defeat the Grind also occasionally has guest contributors such as politicians and sports people, who provide us with their views on self-help topics.
Andrew Collings
Andrew Collings is the founder of www.defeatthegrind.com and has over 10 years experience in self help, health and parenting. Andrew has a Degree and Masters in social science and has also completed post graduate management studies. During the day, Andrew works as a principal in a consulting firm, and has had numerous pieces of planning work published. He is married with three children, and currently resides in Melbourne, Australia. As a hobby he is a juggler and magician.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Our new website
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:22 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saving Accounts
In terms of budgets, savings are the be all and end all. With saving you can sleep soundly at night knowing you have some protection. Without them, you are leaving yourself exposed if anything should happen.
But not all savings accounts are the same, and you want to make sure that you get the best bang for your buck, and the best possible return that you can on your money.
We recommend you visit www.wamu.com for all your savings account needs. Wamu is the style of new banking for the future. Visit the website and they will take care of all your banking and financial needs, even credit cards.
Our favourite feature is that you can open a savings account on line, no having to wait weeks, with countless bank visits to open the account, do it from the comfort of your own home or office. We personally recommend the online savings account.
Check out the savings account by clicking on this link Savings Accounts
So do yourself a favour, if you don’t have much savings start building on it as best as you can and go go go. If you want to get the best return and save on fees, then visit wamu.com Savings Accounts
We wish you all the best with your future financials vist the website herehttp://www.wamu.com/personal/savings_account/default.asp
Posted by
Andrew Collings
10:09 PM
Don't commit to some tasks
Are great way to achieve your goals is by stopping doing work that isn't relevant.
Often people committ to tasks even when they know they don't have time or are not going to do a good job. Our view is that you should help people whenever you can, but if you can't tell them straight away.
You will be surprised at how easier this makes your life.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
10:05 PM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
All your lighting needs
Farrey.com is the place to go to buy all of your lighting needs - and often for lighting you have never even thought of lighting fixtures
Farreys.com doesn't just have 1000s of lighting fixtures...no no no...they have hundreds of thousands!!! Whether you are looking for indoor lighting or outdoor lighting, whether you are after older and classic styles or modern, they are the online shop for you!!!
They have a wide variety of styles and ranges - at low low prices - from all of the top manufactures around the world. Thing of them as a wallmart that specalises in lighting. But rather than walking through row after row of lighting you can simply do a quick search, narrow it down to what you want, and find that perfect product quickly and easily - all without a salesperson standing over your back.
Maybe you are after that perfect chandelier, but don't know what will suit your house. Well click on this link to find out.chandeliers
Maybe you are after home lighting but don't have time to search through an entire store to find the right product. No problems, you can click on this link home lighting
Lighting is a fact of life, so why not make the shopping experience so much easier. Visit ferreys.com to find out more.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
9:05 PM
Good Grammer
Writing in essence is about punctuation. Today, we though we would provide a list of when to use different types of punctuation. Enjoy.
Commas: If we are going to get something wrong, it is usually the comma. When you're writing down a thought and you want to take a breath, put it in. In many cases you need two, as comma's can be used to make a sentance within a sentance.
Semi-colon: Semi-colons can be used to highlight a point, or to detail a slightly different topic, without the need for a new sentance. Be careful not to over use semi-colons as they can create confusion.
Colon: Use when you want to make an example of something: For example, just like this.
The above three points, will hopefully get you on the right track. In our next article we will detail some more common punctuations.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
9:05 PM
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
As long time goal setting, health and parenting sufferes will know, we are big on communication and social forums.
3gb.biz is the latest in social communication. Whether you want to catch up with friends, submit or review blogs, or upload your latest photos. The benefit of all this. No matter where you are in the world you will stay connected.
Our favourite feature is the ability to upload and download mp3s. When travelling it is great to be able to get access to your favourite music and transfer it to your Ipod or phone. 3gb.biz enables you to do that.
So why are we pro social sites and communication? Well we truly believe that together we do it better. When we can communicate with friends and family, and others from around the world we become part of a community and have a feeling of belonging.
This offsets the negative problems of people who feel they are isolated and alone. The Internet is a great mechanism for communication and this is where 3gb.biz fits in. No matter who you are, or where you are you can connect to other people. You can discuss social topics or get into deep and meaningfuls. More importantly, you can see photos so you show what you are doing and see what your friends are doing.
Do yourself a favour and checkout this new generation of social site.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:48 PM
Self help: Attitude is everything!
Self help: Attitude is everything
Having the right attitude is one of the keys to success. Attitude determines whether we are happy or sad, often whether we are going to win or lose. At the very least a hopeful attitude determines internal success.
As we often run in to potential threats on our positive attitude, today we are going to provide you with a list of aphorisms to help you when you are under stress and your attitude is threatened.
Kites rise against the wind, not with it
A rubber band becomes effective only when it’s stretched.
Choices not circumstances determine how we think.
Where there is no faith in the future there is no power in the present
Act “as if” we are successful and we will be.
Keep these at hand for when you are having “one of those day’s” and they will help bring you up.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:38 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
GPS is a fantastic technology. Whether you are lost in the bush, driving a car or simply trying to find directions.
Today we want to share with you a fantastic product called GTXcorp GPS. The beauty of this GPS device is that it is the size of a matchbox.
Imagine been able to give it to the kids "just in case" when they are going out to school or a night on a town. Perhaps you are a regular traveller - The GTXcorp GPS could assist you on your travel. It will help you find your way, and more importantly, have people find you if you are lost or something happens.
The use go far beyond the above as well. Are you a business owner? Do you need to track your goods and logistics in real time? Well guess what you can. Simply add the GTXcorp GPS to the consignment and away you go. You will know where your products are in real time.
But don't just take our word for it!!! Check out the website below for full details on what the product can offer you.
In our view, the best use is with tracking vehicles. Whether you run a fleet, or want to make sure your own personal car is safe, simply place the matchbox sized device in the vehicle, and relax. You will know where your car is to within 10 metres accuracy.
The world is embracing GPS, and now you can do with the easy to carry GTXcorp GPS. Do yourself a favour and checkout the website below. Enjoy.
GTX Corp
Posted by
Andrew Collings
5:15 AM
Visualisation - key to changing habits
There is often an attitude among people that visualisation is a waste of time. We recall one particular manager, when we were working in quite a remote area of the country, who had a simple attitude: Don’t waste time planning or thinking about it, just do it!!!
We agree in part, that you definitely have to take action; albeit, we also believe that you can undertake visualisation in addition to “just doing it”. Combined, you unleash the full potential.
Visualisation is not a new thing. It has been used by peak performers for years. Sporting greats who visualise that shot at goal. Billionaires who visualise how their company will grow; and most importantly goal setters who visual themselves achieving their goals.
The power of visualisation has also been the subject of numerous scientific studies. While there has been some questions over methodologies, there seems to be clear evidence to suggest that people who visualise something, generally have a greater chance of creating that something.
For example, a person who visualises a calm and happy home life, has a calm and happy home life. The business owner who visualises success, tends to be successful.
Make it a habit to take some time (it doesn’t have to be much, just five or 10 minutes), to relax and visualise what you want to achieve. Imagine that you have already achieved it. How does it make you feel? Keep redoing this until it becomes second nature. What you believe you can achieve.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
5:15 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
$ 8 Zenni Optical Rx Eyeglasses
Are you paying to much for perscription glasses? Are you sick of not being able to find that perfect pair? Do you want to eliminate the middle man and get quality glasses at fantastic places.
If so, then do yourself a favour and check out www.zennioptical.com. This revalution in glasses is now available for you to choose from a wide range of stylish perscription glasses, all from the comfort of your own home, without an inexperienced sales person standing over you just trying to make a profit.
so how do they do it? The Secret to the Low Prices is that they sell only their own manufactured frames direct to the customer, with no middlemen and virtually no advertising budget.
Whether you are after single vison lens, sunsensors, tintend sun glasses, bifocals or progressive lens, you will find what you are looking for at www.zennioptical.com
So check out the site and find your next pair of glasses, hassle free!!!
$ 8 Zenni Optical Rx Eyeglasses
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:44 PM
Parenting: The People's tips
Parenting: The peoples tips
In today’s article we have turned the parenting tips over to the people. We often get tips about how parents treat their children, and on what works and doesn’t work. We thought it was about time we provide a list of the main tips we get. Enjoy.
· Put your baby down when she/he is still awake. This is the key to having them sleep through the night.
· Read all food labels. You never know what is in food these days. This will help to make them healthier and may even stop a bad allergic reaction.
· Present a unified front: Don’t show your differences in front of your child – show you are consistent and support each other.
· Say sorry to your kids when you make a mistake.
· Monitor yourself: Your child will pick up most of their moral guidance from the parents – make sure you are teaching them well.
· Don’t be over protective. Kids learn through making mistakes and hurting themselves in minor ways. Just make sure they are monitored to some degree.
· Bail and switch: When your child is misbehaving, distract him with something that’s incompatible with the misbehaviour. For example, if your child is grabbing food from someone else’s plate, hand him a glass of milk.
· Ban bad mouthing. Your child will most likely learn this from you…did you see that lady’s dress what was she thinking!!! – teach them to not say bad things to other people.
· Be silly. Enjoy playing and laughing with them.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:41 PM
3 Gb community - are you a part of it yet!!!
Hello dear blog readers,
Have you heard of the 3Gb community yet. If not do yourself a favour and visit www.3gb.biz the newest social community site.
You can meet new friends and old friends alike, as well as upload all your latest photos to show and share with your mates. But wait therese more. You can read blogs and chat with other members as well as listen to the latest and greats mp3 hits, as well as some of the classics as well.
So enjoy, we look forward to catching up with you on www.3gb.biz
join 3gb community www.3gb.biz
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:35 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
How to brain storm goals
Goal Setting: How to brain storm your goals
As we have discussed in previous articles, high level goal setting focuses on four main areas of your life: health, wealth, family/community and spirituality. That’s the easy part. But how do you go about finding what you really want to achieve in each of these four areas. In today’s goal setting article we show you how.
The best way is brainstorming. Brainstorming boosts creativity and helps generate many ideas quickly. However, brainstorming by itself can be frivolous, and you can often end up further away from finalising your goals than you were at the start. To keep you on track with your brainstorming, consider using the following tips.
- Brainstorm for ideas only (the review comes later)
- Write up every suggestion as it comes (no matter how out of left field)
- Suspend your judgement – it is often the thinking outside of the box that leads you to extraordinarily results.
- Go for quantity – after you review you can look at the quality
Once you have written down everything, take a small break and then come back to evaluate what you have written. Consider what topics best meet your needs and what you want to achieve in life. From here you need to narrow your thinking and ideas in to two or three main points. These main points will help guide you into what you want to achieve in this area of your life.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:05 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
How to eat your greens
We have written may articles on eating your greens, but because of all the benefits, we thought we would write another!!!
Long time sufferers of our daily ezine at www.goals-4-life.com will know the drill. Steam your greens and then add lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. While we know that this tastes great. There are also many other benefits.
The most important is in the lemon juice. Lemon juice helps to keep antioxidants in our bodies. By having lemon juice with vegetables you absorb more nutrients. Simple yet it tastes great!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:15 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
A Shop: Shopping Cart
You have all been there. You have gone to purchase a product through a website, you click the shopping cart button and then things start crashing. The website seems to fall apart before your eyes. Things stall, you can't click backwards, the process takes you to the same page again and again.
After several minutes, you shake your head, and restart the computer. You have decided not to buy the product. All this because the website made it to difficult to pay.
You have good products that will sell and are useful to people, make their shopping experience as easy as you can with customised products from www.ashop.com.ai
The A-Shop products are like know other. They are affordable, easy to install, and the best part is you can start using them right away. Just look at the benefits the www.ashop.com.au has:
Web based, no installation required
- Affordable ecommerce software
- Accept credit cards online
- Thousands of features, easy to use
- Start selling online right now
- Fully customisable design
- 10 day free trial
So make your checkout experience as easy as can be!!!
shopping cart
P.S Do yourself a favour and click on the above link. As well as finding out more about the benefits, you will also be able to click on a demo, and see how the system operates itself. With a 10 day free trial, you can try before you buy!!!
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:57 PM
Finding extra time
Goal Setting: Finding Extra Time
One of goals-4-life favourite parts of goal setting, is to help people find more time, time that they didn’t know they had. In today’s article we will discuss some finding extra time tips. We have discussed a few previously, but it won’t hurt to detail them again!!!
• Reduce paperwork and develop a good filing system: This saves you heaps of time as you won’t be continuously looking for documents.
• Get up early: Almost all successful people get up early,
• Do the most important tasks first.
• Transition time: If you travel a hour a day each way to work, after 35 years of work, you will have spent over 2 years travelling – use it wisely.
• Turn off the TV: TV can be fun, and a good way to relax (sometimes), but it can drain heaps of time.
• Relax: Take time to relax…you will be more productive. When you relax, don’t think about work etc, this is your relaxing time.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:56 PM
Smorty: The benefits
Blogging is a win win activity. The blogger provides useful information that readers can use, and also gets the joy of writing to an audiance.
What can make blogging even better, is the fact that you can actually profit off the blogs you write as well. While there are many was to do this, the most beneficial is via smorty.
Smorty, in simple terms connects up relevant advertisements with relevant blogs. In between your normal articles that you provide your readers with for free, you simple write an article about a particular topic or company. Your readers can choose whether to click on it or not - if its something they find relevant.
With all the benefits blogging has, the opportunity of a payment helps the blogger to keep going and to keep providing useful information.
The concept is exactly the same as news sites and google sites etc, yet with one important difference. The readers know the blogger personally, and know that the ads recommended will be suitable.
advertise on blogs
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:20 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Goal Setting: Writing in a concise way
Goal Setting: Writing in a concise way
One of the building blocks of good goal setting is time management. If you can make the most out of every minute that you are working (remember you still need time to relax), you will have more time to achieve your goals.
One way of saving time for yourself and other people is to write in a concise way. In this modern world we still feel the need to write things in great detail, while that is required for academia and for novels, for business we can get away with writing less and more concise.
As a first rule, try not to use jargon, this wastes everyone’s time if no one knows what it means. Also try not to waffle, think about the message you are trying to get across? Speak it…often that helps.
After you have written a letter or memo etc, go through it. Are there any unnecessary words, sentences or paragraphs? This may take a little longer for the first few times, but in the long run, it will set you well on the way to finding more time.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:55 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Prescription glasses online
Tired of paying top dollar for your perscription glasses? Tired of the sales people that try and sell you the most expensive frame? Then why not check out www.zennioptiocal.com. They sell stylish and affordable perscription glasses online, and take the fuss out of buying your new glasses.
Do yourself a favour and check out the site, you won't believe the styles and the price. Enjoy.
Zenni Optical: Sell Rx Glasses $8 with case!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:45 PM
Goal Setting: Small Regular Improvements
Goal Setting: Small Regular Improvements
Today, in our goal setting article we will look at the benefits of small regular improvements. Goal setting is a funny things, most people seem to view it as either all or nothing. After new years, people go after their goals hard for a week or two, and then normally stop.
Unless you are in a hard situation, or achieving your goal is of the utmost importance to you, chances are you won’t be able to sustain the hard core effort you have put in.
The best way to achieve your goals is to undertake a small amount of regular work every day, and to have your goals and tasks well defined.
Make sure you undertake an action each day that will lead you towards achieving your goals.
Note: If you do have times were you are really motivated, or in a situation where you have to push hard, then use it to your advantage. These moments are great for moving things quickly. Just recognise that these period may be short, and don’t feel upset when you go back to your normal path.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:45 PM
A Shop Commerce
shopping cart
E-commerce is a scary business. For the un-initatied there seems to be modern snake venom sellers at every turn. Today we would like to share with you www.ashop.com.au who specialise in e-commerce in particular shopping carts.
To put it blunty, you don't want to leave your shopping cart and ecommerce applications up to chance. The more professional they look, the more secure they are, the easier they are to use, the more customers will be willing to use it.
And lets face it, you want to make sure that your customers are looked after as well, and are using a secure system.
Whether you are a beginner or a pro, check out www.ashop.com.au, and see what they have to offer.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:37 AM
Benefits of Salt
We wrote an article in our daily ezine about the benefits of salt. Although we have only just recently published the article, we have received a lot of feed back.
We would like to reiterate that when we talk about the benefits of salt we are referring to sea salt, not the normal table salt which is highly adulterated.
The majority of the water in the human body has some salt in it, therefore in its right form it helps to balance the body.
Enjoy in moderation as always!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:34 AM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Shopping Carts
One of the most important aspects of building a e-commerce website, is ensuring your shopping cart and payment details are right. If you don't do this, then you are vertually throwing money away.
With a shopping cart, people look for integrity and a brand they can trust. If you are building a website, we strongly recommend visit www.ashopcommerce.com.
You will find the most up to date technology, as well as information on how to set up software, and complete shopping and chechout solutions.
shopping cart software
Make sure you are not throwing money away when you develop your website - have the best shopping cart software that customers want to use!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:00 PM
Making the most out of every minute
One way to look at life is minute by minute. When we have one minute in front of us we have a choice how we use it. We can waste it, we can have fun with it, we can shape our future with it.
Today, we just want you to think about this idea. It is these one minutes that you have in front of you that add up and can mean the difference between happiness, and no happiness and success and failure.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
7:57 PM
Benefits of Smorty
Today we would like to talk about Smorty.
If you have been a long time suffer of this blog, you will know that we use advertising to help support our blogging. We have recently found a website called Smorty that specialise in advertising.
Smorty is a service connecting advertisers with bloggers. Advertisers can pay bloggers to write opinion posts with links back to the advertisers site. Please write your opinion on Smorty's services and try to include some of the following keywords in addition to the anchor texts provided. Get paid to blog, get paid for blogging, blog advertising, advertise on blogs, blog for money.
get paid to blog
Posted by
Andrew Collings
3:07 AM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Who loves Scrubs
Ok, we admit it, we are huge fans of the TV show Scrubs. But the gear they are wearing is always the same.
Now we know that scrubs gear doesn’t have to be dull and boring. In fact, as well as doing a valuable job in the community, you can also look fantastic and be fashionable as well.
Check out www.scrubsandbeyond.com to see the full range of scrubs gear available. White, Pink or Blue, Retro or new, you will find what you are looking for.
Especially check out the Kathrine Higal collection, the white and black med gear looks fantastic!!! The prices are also incredible, and the quality is top notch.
Who wants to go to work dull and boring??? Visit www.scrubsandbeyond.com and add colour and fashion to your day, and add colour to your patient’s day as well. It really is the little things that make a big difference.
nursing uniforms
Medical Scrubs
peaches scrubs
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:56 PM
Parenting: Not ready to be parents
Parenting: Not ready to be parents
One of the most common things we hear soon to be parents say is: where not ready to be parents!!! The good news is, that we were effectively born ready, and with a few simple strategies, we can easily fit the bill.
• First, remember that we are not perfect and can only try out best
• Read parenting books, especially ones that relate to your beliefs and religious views
• Spend time with other parents: The saying together we do it better is so to.
• Try the crash test mummy approach: Offer to look after other people’s babies – if they let you – before you become a parent yourself. Just remember…it is easier with your own.
• Decide together how you will parent and do things – you will be amazed at how different your views can be.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:55 PM
House Plans
Designing a house is one of the hardest things you can ever do. First you have to spend money on an architect, next a draft person, and third and engineer to make sure that things will actually work.
What if there was an alternative? Well there is. Visit www.houseplansandmore.com and see.
www.houseplansandmore.com have taken all the hard work out for you, what’s more you can compare designs or even have some made up individually. All fully functional and approved.
Log Home Plans
With the large variety of plans, you are found to find one which will suit your family, your lifestyle and your budget.
Ranch house plans
Imagine: In just a few short months, you will be in your dream home. The home that is right for you. Can you imagine that feeling. Don't have someone else design a home they think is right for you. Visit www.houseplansandmore.com to find the right one.
They have so much to choose from: Tranqual log homes, ranch homes, and even bungalows!!!
bungalow house Plans
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:33 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Dyson: For when only the best will do
It was a Friday night, and we had guests coming over for dinner. Then it happened, there was a loud bang, and smoke started pouring out. Out Vacuum cleaner had sucked its last piece of dust. If only we had of bought a Dyson.
Vacuum cleaner
With so many Vacuum cleaner's on the market, it can be difficult to choose a vacuum cleaner. The only criteria that really matters is quality. Buy the cheaper brounds and you will be replacing them each year - if your lucky. Buy a Dysons, pay a little bit more and it will last you well over a decade.
Vacuum cleaner
So the next time uou need a new vacuum cleaner visit www.wize.com. Not only will you find the best prices around, you can also help and advice from real people!!!
Vacuum cleaner
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:41 PM
Quality Bedding
Sleep is one of the most important aspects of your life. With it, you feel that you can achieve anything; without it, you feel tired and irritable. Lack of sleep has been linked to many diseases, pre mature aging and anxiety.
When choosing beds and bed furniture, you want to make sure that you get, quality and luxury at an affordable price.
Please check out the link below to find furniture that meets these criterias.
King Beds - http://furniturefromhome.com/category/Quality-Bedroom-furniture-set-sets-beds-queen-king-full-twin
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:03 PM
Is yougurt good for you
Yougurt is a great food for you, that is, when its in its natural state. Today many popular brands have more additions than a luxury car.
When choosing Yougurt try and buy one that is natural, organic and free of artifical flavours, sweeteners or added sugar.
It is still a great food, just make sure you get the right product.
Bigger Blogger
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:01 PM
valintines day
With valintines day just around the corner, you may be wondering what the perfect gift for your loved one is. Well, go no further than www.couponchief.com for some fantastic valintine gift ideas.
Click on the links below and enjoy. May you have a very happy valintine's day.
online coupons
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:16 PM
Benefits of routines
Routines are a way of bringing peace and order to ones life. The key however is to make sure that the routine is still flexable. If you try and plan everything down to the smallest degree that you will be set for stress and failure.
remember: set your goals in concreate, your plan in sand.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:13 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Structured Settlement Fun!!!
When you hear the words structured settlement, you may not always think of fun. Well structuredsettlement-quotes.com, have added some fun. Visit the website below and click on one of the fun games or quizes to play. On the what super hero game are you, we found out we were a Super Mut!!!
click here
What SuperHero Are You?
Settlement Quotes- Structured Settlement
Posted by
Andrew Collings
7:41 PM
Goal Setting - Time Management Tips
Goal Setting – Time Management Tips
Effective time management is essential for achieving your goals. After all, time is one of the best resources you have; if used in an effective way.
In today’s article we would like to share with you some time management tips that will have you to achieve your goals by finding more time, and by doing the right things first:
• Review your tasks and work out which ones are key to achieving your goals.
• Do the most important tasks first (even if they are the most difficult – in fact they probably will be!!!)
• Learn to delegate – but don’t just limit it to your working life, do it for your whole life.
• Use technology such as a planner or PDA.
• But don’t use to much technology – technology can help, but to much or to little will hinder you.
• Learn to say no.
• Strive for excellence rather than profession (excellence is doing the best job you can in the time allocated)
• Keep a master list of all that you do (don’t use loose notes as you can lose these)
• Plan, Plan and Plan…preferably the night before (or first thing if you are a morning person)
Posted by
Andrew Collings
7:40 PM
Problems with credit
Bad credit got you down???
In this current credit crisis we are leading into, many people are starting to develop credit problems. When this happens people feel like their choices are limited, and that they should apply for any bad loan that they can get - regardless of the interest level or the terms and conditions.
We are hear to tell you, don;t jump at every opportunity, there are reputable companies that deal with people have credit problems.
We would like you to visit www.badcreditoffers.com. to see what loans are available and what all of your options are.
bad credit loans
Good luck!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:31 AM
Find out where to begin
One of the most common exuses for not starting or achieve a goal is "I don't know where to begin". This is common in people who haven't set themselves clear agenda's and are letting life provide the direction.
To know where to begin, you have to plan. Break down the things you need to do into easily manageable tasks and get going!!!
You also need to have a strategic perspective. If you get to caught up in the task you can lose site of the bigger picture.
Stop what you are doing, take a strategic look, and then get back on track to what you need to do.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:27 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Holiday Fun
Is the winter cold starting to get you down? Are you feeling in need of a well deserve break? After your efforts throughout the year, lets face it...you deserve one!!!
For a warm tropical holiday, you can't go any further than Hawaii. Great climate, great surf, great people and great food - what more could you need???
But where do you find good accommodation, and where do you stay on the Island. Very good questions, as you want to make sure your holiday is perfect and that you only have the best accomodation.
Luckily www.hawaiianbeachrentals.com have done all the hard work for you, and have a great list of quality accomodation at beautiful locations for you to choose from.
Maybe Oahu is for you. Click on the link below for more details.
Oahu vacation rentals
Or maybe you just need more information; why not check out www.hawaiianbeachrentals.com popular travel blog. It is full of useful information that will help make your holiday perfect.
Hawaii Travel Blog
Oahu Vacation Information
So stop thinking about the cold and start planning your Hawaii vacation today!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:35 AM
Moderation the ket to health success
If you have been a reader of this blog for any amount of time, you will know that there is no "proven" secret to losing weight and to being healthy.
The only secret is moderation. Lose weight gradually and exercise moderately. If you lose weight to quickly you will be likely to put it back on. Exercise to much, or in the wrong way, you may mjure yourself, or you will actaully make yourself hungrier!!!
Eat a moderate diet, still enjoy all foods but don't go over the top - limit sugar and carbs as much as you can.
Try exercising with repetition (eg hill sprints), this has been proven to have benefits that far out weight long distance running!!!
Cheers and stay healthy
Blog Directory
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:29 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Health and back injury
When it comes to health issues, nothing can be quite as annoying as a back problem. It hurts you at work, it hurts you at home, and even more annoying you feel it when you are sleeping. You then get up in the morning and repeat the whole process again.
Now there is a product that massages you while you sit, and will improve your overall health.
When it comes to your comfort and wellbeing, there’s no settling for second-best. This is how Human Touch® feels about its products, which is why they use only the most advanced robotic massage technology and systems in their industry-leading massage chairs. By analyzing the treatments used by leading massage therapists, chiropractors and physicians, and applying decades of experience as the world leader in massage technology, Human Touch engineers have developed the most advanced Robotic Massage® systems ever devised. Within every Human Touch massage chair, proprietary and patented massage systems expertly replicate the hands and techniques of expert massage professionals.
• Amazingly human-like massage that replicates the rolling, kneading, compression and percussion techniques of massage professionals
• A full-body massage that follows the contours of your spine and body from neck to foot
• Unique three-dimension movements provide maximum relief to sore, tight muscles
• Multiple automatic programs that allow you to customize massage area, intensity and techniques used
• Intuitive controls that put you in command of your massage experience
Discover the beauty of the advanced technology in every Human Touch massage chair. It’s the first and best choice for your wellness and comfort.
Massage Chairs
Posted by
Andrew Collings
12:07 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
UK Driving system
Wouldn't it be great if you could beat some of the driving fines that you have. Well now you can. The website uk-driving-secrets shows you how to legally beat traffic and parking fines.
Now don't get me wrong, there are definately some fines that you probably deserve - eg we don't endorse travelling at 100 miles an hour on a local street. However, there are some where you get a fine and you were doing just 2 miles over the speed limit - it is these fines we want to help you with.
Or imagine you got a parking fine for been in a spot 2 minutes over the required time? Seems unfair doesn't it...just another way to raise revenue.
Do yourself a favour and checkout the site below!!!
speed camera
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:46 PM
value of friendships
One of the most important aspects of life is good friends and a good social life. As you get busier you can often take these fundamental neccesities for granted.
Today, we would like you to focus on your friendships. Don't just accept them, work out valuing them and growing them and developing them. It will enrich your life!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:42 PM
Subliminal CDs
We have written a few articles recently about subliminal CDs, and the ability they have to improve your life. We must confess that we have used them in the past (and currently) to help achieve, and to overcome obstacles.
As you know subliminal messages reach you just below your consciousness. Our consciousness only represents about 10 percent of our brain power, so it is essential that we focus our thoughts on the subconscious - this has been practiced by the military for years.
If 2008 is the year where you wanted to achieve your goals or overcome your fears, then we strongly urge you to click on the link below.
subliminal messages
Heres to your success.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
3:19 AM
Editors note 10-01-08
It is definately a hot day in Melbourne today.
As we write this it is 10:20pm and it is still 37 degrees. The kids don't seem to mind the hot weather, they spend most of their time in the pool. It is us adults that seem to find it harder to cope with.
The two older kids are off to marysville or two days with their grandparents, so I am sure they will have a lot of fun - there are four and three so at a great age to go away.
We wish you all a happy nd productive day!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
3:16 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Disclosure Statement(1)
This policy is valid from 04 December 2007
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Mr Andrew Collings at goals-4-life.com.
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
We are employed by or consult with: www.goals-4-life.com.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:40 PM
Benefits of self hypnosis
You have probably heard of self hypnosis, and the benefits it has been bringing to many people. Today we want to share with you a website called instant hypnosis.
The beauty of the website is that it breaks down different areas that people want to improve, or what fears that have in their life.
For example, lets say you have a fear of crowds. Simple click on the fear of crowds button, you will be taken to a sepearte page with information on the fear, and also on how to overcome it.
Do yourself a favour and check out the site!!! Self hypnosis has so much to offer and can make such a difference in your life.
self hypnosis
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:32 PM
enthusiasm: the other side
We often hear how important enthusiasm is to succeed. Without enthusiasm, you can be the smartest person in the world, but you will still fall short of succeeding on your goals.
However, what many people don’t realise is that there is a equally strong flip side for enthusiasm. With enough enthusiasm, it is also quite difficult to fail!!! This is because you will keep trying to find a way to do something.
Sooooo….be enthusiastic.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:28 PM
Evidence Blaster
Lets face it computer programmers for good or bad are getting better at what they do.
In the early days you could delete your history and your computer was clear. These day's that is far from the truth.
Your computer contains sensitive information that if going into the wrong hands, could cause identity fraud.
Today we would like you to visit www.evidence-blaster.com to see fix the problem.
hard drive cleaner
At evidence blaster you will find a complete one click system that cleans your whole computer and makes sure that your files and your family files are secure. Imagine the piece of mind you will have.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:34 AM
Do things for others
One of the keys to happiness is helping out others. Unfortunately, in our modern society we often forget this fundamental rule. We get so caught up in our day to day activities we put off helping people until another time.
Today, we would like to discuss how you can fit time in to help other people. The best way is to schedule "helping others" time into your diary.
Start by putting in a few hours a week and build up from there!!!
You will feel enriched and happy for the experience.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:32 AM
Adding richness to your life with art.
In the book "live like a billionaire on a normal person's salary" we are introduced to many techniques for how to make your life richer. One of the most important ones is to gain an appreciation of art.
Art stimulates the sensors, and helps you to appreciate quality in life. You don't have to follow understand the meaning behind each piece of art, and you don't have to like all the famous pieces to gain value and to add richness to your lives.
One of the great art gallaries around is the Park West Art Gallery.
Park West Art Gallery
If you are a long term or short term resident, or if you are in the area for business or pleasure; do yourself a favour and visit Park West.
You will enrich your life for years to come from one visit!!!
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:25 AM
dont take things for granted
When we are chasing after our goals we are often doing a lot of things at one time. This can lead us to forget about some of the things that are really important.
So today we want you to promise us that you won't take the people who are important to you and things that are important to you. It is these things that are the important things in life.
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:21 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Pharmacy medicine and prescriptions online
With the costs of medicine and visiting doctors increasing, is it no wonder that many of us put of getting medicine that we require? The idea of spending $50 to get another script is often to much.
Today we want to explore a online alterantive. Onlinepharamcy21.com has all the medicine that you need. You can order 24/7 with the need of going to a doctor. What a fantastic service.
So if you have regular medicine, why not check the link below out, not only will you save time, you will also save money!!!
Heres to your health!!!
online pharmacy
PS. Heres what the experts say. We are proud to be able to bring you our wide selection of medicines, all of them are available to you online, 24x7. No Waiting for Doctors, you will enjoy Complete privacy, and you can order anytime, in your Own time, with No prior prescription needed! Now you can enjoy the convenience of ordering from your own home or office at the time that suits you! Order Safely and Securely through our secure transaction server, and pay using a wide range of credit cards.
Our order process could not be simpler, just select the medicines you need, fill in our medical questionnaire, and submit your order. Our U.S Licensed Physicians will review your order and issue your prescription. Next, our U.S. Licensed Pharmacies will dispense, and FedEx your order discreetly using Next day delivery.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:24 PM
Goal Setting Paris Hilton
Goal Setting
Just to take away some class from this ezine publication, we are going to write a brief article on Paris Hilton. We definitely won’t be using the term, our good friend, when we refer to her!!! That just sounds too dangerous.
We would like to write an article on her goal setting ability. To start, as a disclaimer, we don’t know Ms Hilton, we haven’t seen her well publicised induction into the home made movie business, and we really don’t know which rumours are true or untrue about her.
What we do know is that she is building up a business empire, and seems to be achieving goal after goal. She started out being the daughter of a rich hotel owner, but she has become so much more than that.
From her own TV show (the simple life), to music, even to endorsements of clothing, she is pushing her bad girl attitude out there. Now we are definitely not saying we admire her, and that she is a good roll mode (we are still trying to work out if she is ill moral or amoral). But we have to admire her business sense.
One thing that we can gain from her goal setting and business ability, is to use adversity and bad publicity to her advantage. Her little episode in Jail seems to have built her character more than anything else – funny how what is happening to Brittney Spears hasn’t done the same!!!
So how does this relate back to you dear readers, and your goal setting: Simple. Set your goals, go after them hard, and no matter what happens work out a way to use it to your advantage.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:23 PM
Subliminal Power
We have written a few times about the power of the mind in this blog, and thats for one reason: The mind is a powerful tool beyond comprehension and is a major factor in achieving your goals, improving your health and being an effective parent.
Today we want to talk about a great product, one that is used by over 1 million - yes 1 million - people around the world. In fact some of the greatest achievers have used it.
Visit the below website to find out the full details.
The product is easy to install, is not time intensive and works on your computer while you are working. You can overcome your fears and phobias, train your mind, and improve your performance 10 fold, all while feeling more relaxed and stress free.
Go ahead and check out the link. What have you got to lose apart from your fears and phobias.
subliminal CDs
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:59 AM
In other views 08-01-08
Your editor is embracing 2008 as a year of achievement.
We have set yearly goals and have broken them down into monthly goals, weekly, goals and a daily to-do-list. Also he has started writing journal for the first time.
We encourage you all to do the same.
Over the next few days we will be providing our goal setting strategy, normally only offered as part of a paid course free. We will be sending you links of where to access this information.
Here's to your success in 2008.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:55 AM
Why you should hide your IP address.
Unless you have been living under a stone, you will know that the Internet is not secure. In recent times, identity theft has been previlent, and people have lost their jobs or come under scruitiny for looking at websites. And we are not even talking adult websites, it may be that you have applied or a job with a competitor, if you have, then your company may no.
The only way to stop this, is to hide your IP address. But how do you do this we hear you asking? Easy. Visit, the below website and download the product hide my ip address.
With you security at risk, don't put it off, visit the website and see what the product has to offer.
hide IP address
And don't worry, you don't have to be a computer wizard to use the product. Simply click a button and download, and everything else is done for you - what could be simpler???
Heres to your security on the Internet.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:38 AM
Proverb: Being superior
The purpose of this short article is to detail a relevant proverb that we have come across that we find very useful. We hope you find it useful to.
"There is nothing noble in being superior to someone else. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:35 AM
Monday, January 7, 2008
Sleep deprivation
Sleep deprivation is a major health problem for people.
Nothing is quite like it. You go to bed, trying to sleep and nothing happens. You look at the ceiling and wait.
Not only is sleep deprivation setting you up for a bad day, it is also causing you health problems, all the way for cardiovascular to the potential to have more accidents.
Today we would like to explore a cure. Have you heard of binaural beats. If you haven't don't worry. It is mealy the sound we hear subconsciously when we sleep.
The below CD contains these beats in a format that helps put us into a sense of relaxed awareness, which in a sense mimics sleep. Simple...yet with great benefits. No more tiredness.
insomnia cure
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:57 PM
Benefits of beetroot
Health: Beetroot
Beetroot: the anti cancer vegetable
Beetroot can be classed as a super food when it comes to help with cancer, both in prevention and also in treatment. The deep red colour of beetroot contains a class of anti carcinogens that help fight cancer.
In addition, Beetroot helps increase the intake of oxygen by up to 400 precent, which is pretty amazing, as it means all your cells well have more energy.
Finally, beetroot contains beta caratine with is a very powerful antioxidant. What an absolute super food.
You can eat beetroot in salads, but it is also a tasty vegetable to cook with. You can boil it an add vinegar or olive oil and garlic. You can also cook it in curries and stir frys, simply slice it up and throw it in.
Try to eat beetroot three times a week. Your body will thank you for it.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:55 PM
Subliminal CDs
While the topic may be a little confusing, and may make you look a second time, subliminal CDs have been shown to provide great benefits to people in helping them achieve their goals, and achieve success.
But not all subliminal CDs are equal. Visit the below website and we will show you what we mean.
Subliminal CDs are great for self help or health products and rely on NLP to get messages across to people in the most beneficial format. Their success however, depends on who puts the CD together and what techniques are used. It is critical that you have you CD developed by a proven professional, otherwise you are wasting yours, and your customers money.
subliminal messages
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:46 PM
qualities of a good time manager
Self Development: Qualities of a good time manager
As a way to start the New Year, we thought we would look at time management. As you get back into work, consider the qualities of a good time management, so that you can get more out of every day in 2007. At its very essence, time management comes down to self management.
Now that we know that time management comes down to self management, we can look at some of the quality of a good time manager and a poor time manager. The purpose of the table below is to firstly show you the characteristics of each, and then to help you identify which positive time management skills you possess and which negative ones you may processes. We will then look at ways you can overcome these negative qualities.
• Inability to meet deadlines
• Working in excess of 50 – 60 hours per week
• Losing sight of individual objectives and priorities
• Making hasty decisions without considering the ramifications
• Stress
• Insufficient time spent with family (little or no social life)
• Inability to prioritise
• Inherent fear of delegation
• Clarity of thinking
• Decisiveness
• Single-mindedness
• Good memory
• Determination
• A methodical approach
• Punctuality
• Calmness
• Objectivity
• Rationality
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:45 PM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Internet dating sites are becoming the easiest way to meet people in the 21st centery. And why not, they are easy safe and convenient for everyone.
But which site is the best? Luckily, today we have the answer for you.
Go to www.primedatingsites.com and have a quick look. www.primedatingsites.com compares all the different dating sites, shows which market they are after and helps you choose which ones a right for you.
Dating Services
Have a quick look at the review pages
Posted by
Andrew Collings
3:26 PM
qualities of a good time manager
Self Development: Qualities of a good time manager
As a way to start the New Year, we thought we would look at time management. As you get back into work, consider the qualities of a good time management, so that you can get more out of every day in 2007. At its very essence, time management comes down to self management.
Now that we know that time management comes down to self management, we can look at some of the quality of a good time manager and a poor time manager. The purpose of the table below is to firstly show you the characteristics of each, and then to help you identify which positive time management skills you possess and which negative ones you may processes. We will then look at ways you can overcome these negative qualities.
• Inability to meet deadlines
• Working in excess of 50 – 60 hours per week
• Losing sight of individual objectives and priorities
• Making hasty decisions without considering the ramifications
• Stress
• Insufficient time spent with family (little or no social life)
• Inability to prioritise
• Inherent fear of delegation
• Clarity of thinking
• Decisiveness
• Single-mindedness
• Good memory
• Determination
• A methodical approach
• Punctuality
• Calmness
• Objectivity
• Rationality
Posted by
Andrew Collings
3:26 PM
Pragma TelnetServer
Secure and reliable access control a key to running a successful corporation. You need access, your staff may need remote access, but how to ensure that this is secure.
Today, we would like to share with you the benefits of the Pragma TelnetServer, and how it can provide security and piece of mind for your business.
Secure Server
First rest assured that the TelnetServer runs on any computer, which is a a big bonus. However, the greatest feature, is that you can create a fully customised environment, and have up to 1000 connections at the one time - almost unheard off. With the new patent pending technology you can rest assured that you are getting the best product at the best price.
We have to say though, our favourite aspect is the seamless windows management. It just makes it so much easier to use.
So do yourself and your corporation a favour and checkout the website below.
Secure Server
Andrew Collings
Posted by
Andrew Collings
2:00 PM