Goal Setting, Time Management, Health and Parenting Ezine
In today’s issue:
Time Management – How to hold a good meeting
Healthy – Starting a exercise regime
Parenting – Coping with parenthood
“Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance”
The Australian Army
Time Management – How to Hold a Good Meeting
Meetings have become a common part of the work environment, and are almost always necessary to have if you want to achieve your long term goals. Sooner or later you are going to have to ask the help of someone or meet with a group of people.
Below are some simple rules to make sure yore meetings are time efficient, and have effective outcomes too:
Be open
Ensure that you only speak one at a time
Be factual (not persona) eg detail a problem not a problem person
Raise real issues
No shouting
Focus on the goals
Accept differences
Keep lines of communication open
Speak up
Listen up
Paraphrase to ascertain what people mean
Share understanding
Work to resolve conflicts
Show respect
Have fun
Do what you say you are going to do
Keep minutes
Follow up on actions
If you use the above your next meeting will be much more effective.
Learn how to stick to your goals!!! Learn the secrets of the goal setting greats and the super achievers.
Visit www.goals-4-life.com/Goal_Setting for further information
Health – P secrets to help you stick to your exercise regime
In today’s health article we look at the best ways to help you to stick to your exercise regime. Follow these, and exercise will become part of your daily routine in no time.
Set goals: Work out what your exercise goals are, and what you will need to do to achieve them.
What do you like: Focus on activities you like doing, eg bush walking or aerobics classes. That way you will see at least some enjoyment in it rather than exercise as a chore.
Start slowly: Don’t start an Olympic training regime in the beginning. You will be less likely to be able to stick at it, and on top of that you may injure yourself.
Variety is the spice of life: Add some variety to your workout – it will keep you interested.
Have fun: Why would you want to keep exercise if you weren’t at least enjoying part of it.
Daily plan: Add exercise to your daily to do list. You will be more likely to stick at it when its in writing.
Track progress: See how well you have been going.
Rewards: Reward yourself when you reach your mile stones (eg exercised six days per week for four weeks).
Be flexible: If you circumstances change, see where you can fit exercise in.
Parenting – Tips to help make parenting easier
Without a doubt, being a parent is one of the toughest jobs. You have to be fun, strict, sensible and energetic, often all at the same time. In today’s parenting article, we provide some quick advice on how to make the process go a little smoother.
Be aware of how children grow and develop: Grab a few books from the library or do a search on line. If you at least know what you are up against and what to expect, you will be able to better deal with it.
Be wise enough to know that you can do things differently: As hard as it can be try not to get caught in a rut for the way you deal with things. Always look at new ways you can approach problems.
Be strong enough to say you don’t know how to: There are often times that we don’t know how to do something. Once we except this, we become more relaxed, then we can search for the answer to find out how you can do it!!!
Ask for help: At the end of the day, if there are thinks you can’t do, or you need help – ask. I am sure you would do the same for others. There is truth in the saying ‘together we do it better’.
Value yourself: Last of all, value yourself. You are doing a very important job…don’t forget that you are grooming a young child on how to deal with the world.
In other views…
As you may have read in previous emails your editor’s cat had a kitten. To show how observant your editor is; he didn’t even know she was pregnant!!!
Last night we were wondering how the cat was coping with being a mother. The cat, kept walking in and out of the room, and didn’t seem to want to mother the kitten. We were worried that the cat would lose interest in being a mother and we would have to look after the kitten.
After about five minutes the cat when back into the basket and resumed her mothering duties.
‘Maybe she just needs a break’ your editor said to his wife.
‘Hmm, maybe she is suffering from the baby blues…it is day five!!!’ your editors wife replied.
Andrew Collings
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Time Management: How to hold a good meeting
Posted by
Andrew Collings
7:02 PM
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