As long time goal setting, health and parenting sufferes will know, we are big on communication and social forums.
3gb.biz is the latest in social communication. Whether you want to catch up with friends, submit or review blogs, or upload your latest photos. The benefit of all this. No matter where you are in the world you will stay connected.
Our favourite feature is the ability to upload and download mp3s. When travelling it is great to be able to get access to your favourite music and transfer it to your Ipod or phone. 3gb.biz enables you to do that.
So why are we pro social sites and communication? Well we truly believe that together we do it better. When we can communicate with friends and family, and others from around the world we become part of a community and have a feeling of belonging.
This offsets the negative problems of people who feel they are isolated and alone. The Internet is a great mechanism for communication and this is where 3gb.biz fits in. No matter who you are, or where you are you can connect to other people. You can discuss social topics or get into deep and meaningfuls. More importantly, you can see photos so you show what you are doing and see what your friends are doing.
Do yourself a favour and checkout this new generation of social site.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:48 PM
Self help: Attitude is everything!
Self help: Attitude is everything
Having the right attitude is one of the keys to success. Attitude determines whether we are happy or sad, often whether we are going to win or lose. At the very least a hopeful attitude determines internal success.
As we often run in to potential threats on our positive attitude, today we are going to provide you with a list of aphorisms to help you when you are under stress and your attitude is threatened.
Kites rise against the wind, not with it
A rubber band becomes effective only when it’s stretched.
Choices not circumstances determine how we think.
Where there is no faith in the future there is no power in the present
Act “as if” we are successful and we will be.
Keep these at hand for when you are having “one of those day’s” and they will help bring you up.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:38 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
GPS is a fantastic technology. Whether you are lost in the bush, driving a car or simply trying to find directions.
Today we want to share with you a fantastic product called GTXcorp GPS. The beauty of this GPS device is that it is the size of a matchbox.
Imagine been able to give it to the kids "just in case" when they are going out to school or a night on a town. Perhaps you are a regular traveller - The GTXcorp GPS could assist you on your travel. It will help you find your way, and more importantly, have people find you if you are lost or something happens.
The use go far beyond the above as well. Are you a business owner? Do you need to track your goods and logistics in real time? Well guess what you can. Simply add the GTXcorp GPS to the consignment and away you go. You will know where your products are in real time.
But don't just take our word for it!!! Check out the website below for full details on what the product can offer you.
In our view, the best use is with tracking vehicles. Whether you run a fleet, or want to make sure your own personal car is safe, simply place the matchbox sized device in the vehicle, and relax. You will know where your car is to within 10 metres accuracy.
The world is embracing GPS, and now you can do with the easy to carry GTXcorp GPS. Do yourself a favour and checkout the website below. Enjoy.
GTX Corp
Posted by
Andrew Collings
5:15 AM
Visualisation - key to changing habits
There is often an attitude among people that visualisation is a waste of time. We recall one particular manager, when we were working in quite a remote area of the country, who had a simple attitude: Don’t waste time planning or thinking about it, just do it!!!
We agree in part, that you definitely have to take action; albeit, we also believe that you can undertake visualisation in addition to “just doing it”. Combined, you unleash the full potential.
Visualisation is not a new thing. It has been used by peak performers for years. Sporting greats who visualise that shot at goal. Billionaires who visualise how their company will grow; and most importantly goal setters who visual themselves achieving their goals.
The power of visualisation has also been the subject of numerous scientific studies. While there has been some questions over methodologies, there seems to be clear evidence to suggest that people who visualise something, generally have a greater chance of creating that something.
For example, a person who visualises a calm and happy home life, has a calm and happy home life. The business owner who visualises success, tends to be successful.
Make it a habit to take some time (it doesn’t have to be much, just five or 10 minutes), to relax and visualise what you want to achieve. Imagine that you have already achieved it. How does it make you feel? Keep redoing this until it becomes second nature. What you believe you can achieve.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
5:15 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
$ 8 Zenni Optical Rx Eyeglasses
Are you paying to much for perscription glasses? Are you sick of not being able to find that perfect pair? Do you want to eliminate the middle man and get quality glasses at fantastic places.
If so, then do yourself a favour and check out www.zennioptical.com. This revalution in glasses is now available for you to choose from a wide range of stylish perscription glasses, all from the comfort of your own home, without an inexperienced sales person standing over you just trying to make a profit.
so how do they do it? The Secret to the Low Prices is that they sell only their own manufactured frames direct to the customer, with no middlemen and virtually no advertising budget.
Whether you are after single vison lens, sunsensors, tintend sun glasses, bifocals or progressive lens, you will find what you are looking for at www.zennioptical.com
So check out the site and find your next pair of glasses, hassle free!!!
$ 8 Zenni Optical Rx Eyeglasses
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:44 PM
Parenting: The People's tips
Parenting: The peoples tips
In today’s article we have turned the parenting tips over to the people. We often get tips about how parents treat their children, and on what works and doesn’t work. We thought it was about time we provide a list of the main tips we get. Enjoy.
· Put your baby down when she/he is still awake. This is the key to having them sleep through the night.
· Read all food labels. You never know what is in food these days. This will help to make them healthier and may even stop a bad allergic reaction.
· Present a unified front: Don’t show your differences in front of your child – show you are consistent and support each other.
· Say sorry to your kids when you make a mistake.
· Monitor yourself: Your child will pick up most of their moral guidance from the parents – make sure you are teaching them well.
· Don’t be over protective. Kids learn through making mistakes and hurting themselves in minor ways. Just make sure they are monitored to some degree.
· Bail and switch: When your child is misbehaving, distract him with something that’s incompatible with the misbehaviour. For example, if your child is grabbing food from someone else’s plate, hand him a glass of milk.
· Ban bad mouthing. Your child will most likely learn this from you…did you see that lady’s dress what was she thinking!!! – teach them to not say bad things to other people.
· Be silly. Enjoy playing and laughing with them.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:41 PM
3 Gb community - are you a part of it yet!!!
Hello dear blog readers,
Have you heard of the 3Gb community yet. If not do yourself a favour and visit www.3gb.biz the newest social community site.
You can meet new friends and old friends alike, as well as upload all your latest photos to show and share with your mates. But wait therese more. You can read blogs and chat with other members as well as listen to the latest and greats mp3 hits, as well as some of the classics as well.
So enjoy, we look forward to catching up with you on www.3gb.biz
join 3gb community www.3gb.biz
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:35 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
How to brain storm goals
Goal Setting: How to brain storm your goals
As we have discussed in previous articles, high level goal setting focuses on four main areas of your life: health, wealth, family/community and spirituality. That’s the easy part. But how do you go about finding what you really want to achieve in each of these four areas. In today’s goal setting article we show you how.
The best way is brainstorming. Brainstorming boosts creativity and helps generate many ideas quickly. However, brainstorming by itself can be frivolous, and you can often end up further away from finalising your goals than you were at the start. To keep you on track with your brainstorming, consider using the following tips.
- Brainstorm for ideas only (the review comes later)
- Write up every suggestion as it comes (no matter how out of left field)
- Suspend your judgement – it is often the thinking outside of the box that leads you to extraordinarily results.
- Go for quantity – after you review you can look at the quality
Once you have written down everything, take a small break and then come back to evaluate what you have written. Consider what topics best meet your needs and what you want to achieve in life. From here you need to narrow your thinking and ideas in to two or three main points. These main points will help guide you into what you want to achieve in this area of your life.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
4:05 PM