You have all been there. You have gone to purchase a product through a website, you click the shopping cart button and then things start crashing. The website seems to fall apart before your eyes. Things stall, you can't click backwards, the process takes you to the same page again and again.
After several minutes, you shake your head, and restart the computer. You have decided not to buy the product. All this because the website made it to difficult to pay.
You have good products that will sell and are useful to people, make their shopping experience as easy as you can with customised products from
The A-Shop products are like know other. They are affordable, easy to install, and the best part is you can start using them right away. Just look at the benefits the has:
Web based, no installation required
- Affordable ecommerce software
- Accept credit cards online
- Thousands of features, easy to use
- Start selling online right now
- Fully customisable design
- 10 day free trial
So make your checkout experience as easy as can be!!!
shopping cart
P.S Do yourself a favour and click on the above link. As well as finding out more about the benefits, you will also be able to click on a demo, and see how the system operates itself. With a 10 day free trial, you can try before you buy!!!
Andrew Collings
Thursday, February 21, 2008
A Shop: Shopping Cart
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:57 PM
Finding extra time
Goal Setting: Finding Extra Time
One of goals-4-life favourite parts of goal setting, is to help people find more time, time that they didn’t know they had. In today’s article we will discuss some finding extra time tips. We have discussed a few previously, but it won’t hurt to detail them again!!!
• Reduce paperwork and develop a good filing system: This saves you heaps of time as you won’t be continuously looking for documents.
• Get up early: Almost all successful people get up early,
• Do the most important tasks first.
• Transition time: If you travel a hour a day each way to work, after 35 years of work, you will have spent over 2 years travelling – use it wisely.
• Turn off the TV: TV can be fun, and a good way to relax (sometimes), but it can drain heaps of time.
• Relax: Take time to relax…you will be more productive. When you relax, don’t think about work etc, this is your relaxing time.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:56 PM
Smorty: The benefits
Blogging is a win win activity. The blogger provides useful information that readers can use, and also gets the joy of writing to an audiance.
What can make blogging even better, is the fact that you can actually profit off the blogs you write as well. While there are many was to do this, the most beneficial is via smorty.
Smorty, in simple terms connects up relevant advertisements with relevant blogs. In between your normal articles that you provide your readers with for free, you simple write an article about a particular topic or company. Your readers can choose whether to click on it or not - if its something they find relevant.
With all the benefits blogging has, the opportunity of a payment helps the blogger to keep going and to keep providing useful information.
The concept is exactly the same as news sites and google sites etc, yet with one important difference. The readers know the blogger personally, and know that the ads recommended will be suitable.
advertise on blogs
Posted by
Andrew Collings
6:20 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Goal Setting: Writing in a concise way
Goal Setting: Writing in a concise way
One of the building blocks of good goal setting is time management. If you can make the most out of every minute that you are working (remember you still need time to relax), you will have more time to achieve your goals.
One way of saving time for yourself and other people is to write in a concise way. In this modern world we still feel the need to write things in great detail, while that is required for academia and for novels, for business we can get away with writing less and more concise.
As a first rule, try not to use jargon, this wastes everyone’s time if no one knows what it means. Also try not to waffle, think about the message you are trying to get across? Speak it…often that helps.
After you have written a letter or memo etc, go through it. Are there any unnecessary words, sentences or paragraphs? This may take a little longer for the first few times, but in the long run, it will set you well on the way to finding more time.
Posted by
Andrew Collings
1:55 PM