Goal Setting, Health and Parenting Ezine
In today’s article
• Goal Setting – Handling Constructive Criticism
• Health: One Vegetarian Day a Week
• Parenting: Presenting a united front
Goal Setting – Handling Constructive Criticism
There will be many times in your life when you get criticism; sometimes constructive, and lets face it, sometimes not. How you deal with this criticism is vital to your future success.
For most people the first reaction that they will have for criticism, is a knee jerk reaction where they feel hurt, and in need of defending their actions and offering a countercritisim.
Today, we are going to explore accepting criticism for what it is worth. Now before we go into the details, we would like to clarify that we are not asking you to roll over and accept all criticism; what we are suggesting, is that sometimes the criticism may be true and that the criticism, however badly delivered, could be a good learning experience.
Next time, you are giving criticism, take a deep breath, say thank you for pointing that out to me. Have a quick think, to see if the criticism is accurate. If it is accept it and say…you are right (etc). If you don’t think it is accurate. Simply, say…I will take that on board. You will quickly learn that this will make you feel a lot happier, and if the other person is saying criticism for malice, they will soon loose interest.
We had this experience not to long ago. I was driving with my wife next to me, when she made a comment on how close I was driving to other cars. My first reaction was a knee jerk one, and I took offence. After I had a quick think about it, I realised that there was merit in her words. ‘Your right…I do sometimes drive to close to other cars…thank you for pointing it out to me, I shall try and drive safer’. My wife felt acknowledged, and I started driving safer. Win-Win.
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Healthy: One Vegetarian Day a Week
In today’s article, we look at the concept of have one vegetarian day a week, and the benefits it can have not just for yourself but for the planet.
The concept is not a new one; research has shown that if you stop eating unhealthy food one day a week, you give your body a chance to recover and heal itself. For example, cancer it the cause of mutating cells and genes, this can be directly related to food or environment, particularly, where you body doesn’t have a break from a particular food or environment.
However, we have been reading “Your Heart Your Planet” by Harvey Diamond. Which provides a very different view on being vegetarian one day a week. The view is that, if we are harming ourselves, we are harming the planet. There are two fantastic quotes in the book:
1. 90% of grain produced in the US goes to feeding livestock, and
2. 60 million acres are used to farm crops for human consumption, 1.2billion for livestock.
Also the water levels used to feed livestock are incredible.
So today, we want you to consider being vegetarian for a day as a way to be healthy and also as a way to help the health of the planet. And best of all, there are so many good vegetarian foods, that the day should be a treat rather than a chore.
Parenting: Presenting a uniformed front
Children not only discover things about themselves, but they help parents discover things about themselves to. Any experience that your children have and go through will impact on you personally, as well as on your relationship.
While you and your partner may have different views on how to deal with these situations (eg tantrums, problems with teachers, or boyfriends/girlfriends etc), it is important that you are consistent and have the same view in front of your children.
Before making decisions, if possible discuss with your partner first, and try and reach some middle ground on how to deal with the issue. Of course you won’t always agree, that’s part of married life, but if you provide consistent decision-making, and are consistent in front of your children, you will be doing your child, yourself and your marriage a favour.
We are currently working on a list of 249 words that you must know. if you want to be successful.
The resource includes the key words that separate successful people from the rest, as well as detailed descriptions, and their correct use.
The list will help at job interviews, promotions and for public speaking, even when trying to get a loan or in your relationship!!!
We are trying to keep the price under $100, we will let you know how we go.
If you would like a sneak peak at part of the list, please send an e-mail to enquiry@goals-4-life.com with “free info on 249 words” in the header.
In other views
Your editor, has been watching MTV on cable, because of the Australian ARIA awards. He is a big fan of Australian music, especially Silver Chair, who took out three awards.
Because he has been watching MTV, he has been exposed to MTV shows. Normally he isn’t shocked by many shows, but one show did…’Scarred’.
To paint the picture, it is people crashing skateboards or bikes, and doing serious injuries – this must be where it gets its name from. The injuries are nothing short of horrific; yet you feel like you can’t turn away.
At the start of the show, you are giving a warning not to try any of activities you see – quite strange considering they are accidents. At least, the show will make you appreciate how healthy you are, and may actually be good for your kids to watch if they are considering doing tricks on skateboards or bikes.
Andrew Collings
Monday, October 29, 2007
Goal Setting - Handling Constructive
Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:29 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Goal Setting, Health and Parenting Ezine
Goal Setting, Health and Parenting Ezine
In today’s article
Time Management: The key to success is what you don’t do
Health: Are you drinking enough water?
Parenting: How to correct a teenager?
Time Management: The key to success is what you don’t do
Time is a funny thing, people always say that they never have enough time. However, each day we all have the same amount of time – we just choose to use it differently. A person in a hospital bed can achieve more than people in an office job if they focus on what they want done.
A old time management rule states that “Success depends on what you neglect”. There is a lot of wisdom in those words. If you want to achieve a goal, simply focus on what is important and neglect the unimportant. This in itself, can have problems if your goals aren’t well defined. Luckily, Goals-4-Life readers won’t have that problem because they have well planned out long term goals, which consider wealth, healthy, family and community/spirituality!!!
So today we would like you to focus on what is important and will help you achieve your goals. Each morning prepare a daily to-do-list and focus on what tasks you would like to accomplish. Highlight the most important task, even if they are the hardest, and do those first. If you don’t finish your whole list, this is no huge problem – you have already completed the main tasks that you needed to undertake to achieve your goals. Anything else is just a bonus.
In addition to the above, we would also like to highlight the 80/20 rule. It take 80 percent of the time to do the last 20 percent of the work. When looking at detail, and how long it will take, ascertain how important it is for your goals and for your life. If it isn’t important, maybe your time could be better spent doing something else.
Learn to set goals like the goal setting greats. Do you want to learn the secrets of the goal setting greats and the super achievers? Do you want to achieve anything you dream of and more? Then the Goals-4-Life goal setting program is for you.
Visit www.goals-4-life.com/Goal_Setting for further information.
Here’s to your success.
Healthy: Water are you getting enough?
Many people focus on eating the right foods and doing the right exercise programs; however they fall short when it comes to drinking enough water.
Lets look at some of the facts to start. Seventy to eighty percent of your body is made up of water. If you weigh 60kg, then 45kg will be water. Imagine how you would look without water!!!
So if your body is made up of 70 to 80 percent water, how much water do you need to drink? Studies have shown that a figure anywhere between 2 litres a day and 3 litres a day is required (the difference is based on climate, exercise during the day, and different dietary needs).
Sound like a lot. Fortunately, you do need to drink the 2-3 litres by itself. Many fruits, vegetables even whole grains contain water. So you are able to supplement some of your water with this. Eg Watermelon is 98 percent water – if you eat 200 grams you have had 196 mills of water.
However, there is also a down side. Drinks such as coffee and coke, actually have a directic effect, which means that your body can’t retain the water. So…these drinks don’t can’t.
There are many benefits to drinking water, elimination of disease etc (we will touch on these in another issue), so try your best to drink between 2-3 litres a day.
Parenting: How to give constructive criticism to a teenager
Criticism is hard to give at the best of times, to a teenager it can be out right dangerous!!! In today’s article we look at some simple ways to make criticism easier.
First, while teenagers are getting close to adulthood, there are still times where boundaries need to be discussed, and certain behaviours need to be corrected. Lets look at how this should be done.
Pick an appropriate time, Make sure it is not in front of their friends, or when they are stressed with work/homework.
Be specific about the exact behaviour – point out the one thing you would like to discuss.
Focus on the behaviour, not on them personally.
Mention positives (I am sure there are 100 positive things that they do)
Stay in the present – if you dig up previous issues the conversation will quickly deteriorate.
Understand why you feel the way you do.
Invite an explanation (there might be a good one!!!).
Stay in control – don’t lose it.
Separate facts from feelings
Know when to stop – if you keep pushing you will get resistance
Offer forgiveness and options.
There you have it. While not fool proof, the next time you need to have “one of those chats” it might just be a little more pleasant, and most importantly, you might get a more positive outcome.
In other views
It was beautiful weather in Melbourne on the weekend. On Sunday it got up to 33 degrees. Your editor went to his nephews birthday party, and then spent a lot of time with the kids in the pool.
Your editors three your old son is learning to swim, and spends most of his time in the pool, on a little blow up boat. Your editor decided it would be fun to once again jump on the boat with him. Rather than sitting flat down your editor stayed on his knees. This meant that the blow up went under the water where is knees were, and must to his son’s distaste, the boat started taking on water.
He screamed. His mum ran out to see what was wrong. She found him neck height in water with her husband behind him, on a now submerged boat, trying to paddle to the side!!! She grabbed the paddle and brought them to the side of the pool.
‘I never want you to go in the boat with me again Daddy’ Joel said as he dried himself by the pool.
‘It’s a deal’.
Andrew Collings
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Posted by
Andrew Collings
8:22 PM